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Another empty bag on a perfect night.

Guest vin

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Hello all


Tonight is the perfect weather for lamping,Its the best i've seen it for ages.

Just been out local earlier and saw very little...managed 1 run for a lot of walking.Is anyone else half as pissed off as me !

I put the work in but just don't get the rewards local.

A bad workman can blame his tools etc etc..but i know my dog is more than capable of catching rabbits..Only if i can get her on land with some on.

I've seen her do 8 out of 10 recently,but not local.

Could do with a few more spots closer to home on nights like tonight...i would be out all night if there was something to chase.


The wind is howling outside and there's a fine drizzle...its perfect. so perfect its taunting me ! but i cant face going out again and seeing nothing.

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why stay local when you know theres nowt there, you have a car

vin pal got to be blunt about this, stop f*****g wineing about it been so crap local.......instead of hammering it when you know its always dead why not get off ur ass and put the effort in and find n

talking bollox give over vin, get out there and look harder then instead of putting threads up all the time moaning how rubbish it is local, in the hope that generous people will offer invites out to

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Shame you didn't get anything mate, we got chased last nightwhistling.gif so the tdi is getting fixed the morn, drop me a pm or email if you fancy another trip upthumbs.gif



Yo Bear ! its as hot up there as it is down here.

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Im just back in, its ideal weather blowing a hooly :laugh: but theres not many bunnies around here either so the couple that I did get were hard won. I had to try 3 different spots just to see some eyes in the beam. if the rabbits arent there you cant kill them. I would try further afield next time or go out later/early hours of the morning, sometimes if the rabbits get really lamp shy in certain areas they wont stray far from home until the night goes on and they feel safer venturing further out :thumbs:

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Im just back in, its ideal weather blowing a hooly :laugh: but theres not many bunnies around here either so the couple that I did get were hard won. I had to try 3 different spots just to see some eyes in the beam. if the rabbits arent there you cant kill them. I would try further afield next time or go out later/early hours of the morning, sometimes if the rabbits get really lamp shy in certain areas they wont stray far from home until the night goes on and they feel safer venturing further out :thumbs:



Ive done it in every weather ..every different time u can imagine..i have just got to stop going out local with the lamp...its none productive. I had to also try a couple of different spots to manage my 1 run...which she missed by the way.LOL.


I do travel further afield ... as a few on here already know. and I do it as often as possible.. probably more than some on here actually go out on land that's loaded with game waiting to be had,Just on their local doorstep etc etc.

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know how ya feel lad.

went out tonght on some land that i havent hunted in 2 seasons.last time i had 12 in an hour.i was expecting 20+this time.

i got 3 :thumbdown:

im the only one with permission but the rabbtis were incredibly lamp shy :hmm:

was plenty about but couldntget near em which is worse han not havin any about for at least ifthere not there ya cant catch em.

will be going out tomorrow for some bigger rabbits and that will hgpoefully put a smile back on my face.

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at least the dog got a mooch about, better than sitting in :thumbs:



yeh dog got a good walk..so did I..but its not good taking a dog out and not putting game in front of it on regular basis. Dog needs the excitement.

Too many wasted nights and poor runs with the hedge hogging rabbits = a very frustrated dog..and a dog in danger of losing interest.


Gonna do more ferretting next season,just to balance up the dissapointments...hehee.

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Hello all


Tonight is the perfect weather for lamping,Its the best i've seen it for ages.

Just been out local earlier and saw very little...managed 1 run for a lot of walking.Is anyone else half as pissed off as me !

I put the work in but just don't get the rewards local.

A bad workman can blame his tools etc etc..but i know my dog is more than capable of catching rabbits..Only if i can get her on land with some on.

I've seen her do 8 out of 10 recently,but not local.

Could do with a few more spots closer to home on nights like tonight...i would be out all night if there was something to chase.


The wind is howling outside and there's a fine drizzle...its perfect. so perfect its taunting me ! but i cant face going out again and seeing nothing.


i know exactly how ya feel i got 1 run 1 rabbit after walkin for hours n this seems 2 b the case lately either 1 or none just noffin about its sickenin ma dog is capable but just noffin to run her on

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vin pm me if ye wanna few bunnys put in front a the dog :thumbs:



nice one Dotty...I'm off down South again this weekend...think i need a camper van.Lol

but its so good to be out on Land where there's sport to be had.


I,ll PM you..maybe its time I tried North again..except last time I came up North it was worse than it is down here in South Yorkshire..although it was a very cold frosty night.


i,ll tell you something else...there's been a few so called big time hunters offered me a night out off this site..but so far only a couple who have been good to their word.

one bloke even offered to put me and the wife up in his B+B...funny thing is,He never actually replied when i PM him...they just talk the talk to make themselves look like decent fellas to the rest of us.


Dotty i'm not saying anything to you..please don't think so...I'm just venting at the rest of the so called fellow hunters who have so far only led me up the garden path and told me where to go and catch f..k all...i've done some serious miles this season..and a lot of it wasted when I could have been doing something better.


rant over.

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