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Rat and rabbit shooting with Andy and my new rifle


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Hi lads,


Here is another post from last night’s escapades shooting with Andy (Andy&Archie) on his and Davys great permissions.


Andy picked me up at 1630 hrs at the gates of camp once he had finished work and we drove straight to his house for a cuppa and to pick up his shooting gear and rifle.


30 minutes later and we were off to a new gun shop that had just opened as we had had a tip off that the rifles there were going cheap and we wanted to have a nosey and see.


The shop is a smallish shop that had only a few rifles in until next week when more turn up. On looking around the rifle racks I noticed a really nice looking second hand (but in mint condition) Weihrauch HW100T with a Bushnell scope and mounts fitted in .177 calibre.


This was just the sort of quality rifle with accuracy and quality in the bag loads that I could use for HFT or hunting at nights with the scope camera or lamp.


After inquiring about the rifle I informed the shop keeper that I didn’t want the Bushnell scope or low mounts, and I didn’t want the HW silencer either as I have my Hawke mildot scope and Twink mark 2 silencer.


He said that that was good with him and the deal was done. I part exchanged the .22 Ultra for the .177 HW100T. (With the deal I got off the bloke I would of been daft not to really).


Funny thing though is that he couldn’t get the silencer off so gave me that as well for free (it just needs a bit of oil on the threads and heating up a bit and then it will screw off).


After the deal was done we quickly left the shop smiling and we went to Davy and Charlie’s permission, the dairy farm to zero our rifles and get down to some serious vermin control.


On immediate arrival at the farm Andy shot 2 rats within 2 minutes before I had even got my rifle out the car (dam this bloke is on form I thought. I need to up my game tonight). This didn’t change all night though as Andy was shooting like a demon and destroying vermin clinically.


After a nice 15 minute chat with the farmer then we went to zero my rifle and check zero Andy’s gun.


10 minutes later and I managed to shot out Andy’s targets bulls eye clinically with the HW100T at our chosen zero range of 20 metres. After seeing this I was then happy knowing that I had got a good deal with the rifle. Andy also finely adjusted his NV scope spot on shooting a hole in the centre of the small bull before we split up to attack the rats.


I sat in the barn on the request of the farmer as he had found a rat infestation in an empty disused cow pen that he wanted killing. Andy went roaming out side with his .22 Air Arms.


After 30minutes Andy returned informing me that he had shot another 4 outside. I sadly was still without a rat. I did try to shoot the only one I saw at 5 metres but didn’t apply the correct amount hold over and the pellet impacted low (What a idiot I am).


We then went for a walk around together out side where I got a rat in the bottom of the hedge at about 20 metres and one in a rubber tyre that we couldn’t find for the life of us even after looking for 5 minutes in different tyres. He was hit though as we replayed it on the scope camera and saw him eat lead (he was just HARD AS I guess).


Next we went up to the grain store on the request of the farmer. I had a nice large rat upstairs that I hit in the head on the move at about 12 metres (caught on scope camera) and 1 outside that was hiding behind a white grain bag also caught on scope camera.


Andy was doing his usual thing though and hammering the rats with his NV scope left right and Chelsea, shooting like a demon. I felt a right NOOB struggling to scope cam off my knee cap as I didn’t have my bipod fitted at this time and was swaying like a flag in the wind.


Total for the ratting session was 15, with nearly all falling to Andy’s deadly accuracy with his NV scope. We’ll done buddy you are a true marksman with that Air Arms and NV scope.


Next we drove to Andy’s rabbit permission, as we wanted to see if any rabbits were out now that the mist had cleared from the other night.


On arrival in the first field and within 2 minutes I shot my first rabbit off the Deben Tracer Max Pro lamp that Andy paced at 37 paces. (Much better I though without the scope camera).


Next Andy took a rabbit out with his NV scope at a fair old range and we were off to a good start.


The rest of the night consisted of Andy driving and looking occasionally through his NV scope before shooting a rabbit and me lamping out the passenger side window with my Deben lamp and red filter.


It was a great couple of hours of rabbiting where we really did do the business on the bunnies. We did miss a couple each though but that is shooting and anyone who says that they hit 100% of what they shoot at are lie-ers.


The final shot of the night for me while out with Andy was my best shot, even after another couple of 35 metre bunnies and a 39 metre bunny with the odd 15 and 20 metre give aways. This shot was special and the bunny dropped without even a kick of its legs hit straight in the kill zone.


Andy paced this out at 47 large paces so between 47 and 50 metres (classic).


I was well happy with the performance of the HW100T without the hindrance of the scope camera fitted and must say its a real quality rifle. (Back now on the Dark side lads but still a member of the Fellowship of the r10).


The photo that you see is missing 2 rabbits as we gave 2 to a friend of Andy’s wife, so actually there were 11 rabbits in total.


Next Andy dropped me off at camp and we said our goodbyes till Sunday at the HFT where I intend to give the new HW a run out and hopefully better my last score.


Before Andy left camp though I tried to shoot a rabbit from the window of Andy’s jeep. It was sat asking for it at all of 20 metres away from us. Don’t ask I don’t know how I missed but I did. The rabbit must have had an angel on its shoulder and run off laughing at me thinking “who is this idiot with the gun”.


Not happy with my miss then I decided to go and finely adjust my zero off my bipod in the indoor hanger with no wind from our ratting zero range of 20 metres to 30 metres normal shooting range (.177) before doing some silhouette shooting without a lamp, just using the camp security lights as a back drop for the rabbits heads.


After a click here and click there I was spot on shooting a quick 5 shot 1 hole-er for confirmation before going for a once around camp stalk.


The first bunny was taken at 36 metres in the kill zone and the second rabbit was taken at 29 metres also in the kill zone, both lased in the silhouette using the GunTuff LRF.


So all in all it was a really good bag of rabbits and rats with the total ending up at,


13 rabbits


15 rats and 2 pigeons that we also got before it got dark (1 Andy and 1 me with my Ultra before i part ex-ed it).


Thanks to Andy again for a great session and his hospitality in looking after me


Top man, top shot and top mate.






Edited by zini
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Hi lads,   Here is another post from last night’s escapades shooting with Andy (Andy&Archie) on his and Davys great permissions.   Andy picked me up at 1630 hrs at the gates of camp once he ha

hi si top read as always i had a blinding couple of nights i could sleep for england now though. its not good working days and shooting nights but it was worth it to get you out the camp,its a shame

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well done si cracking shooting :thumbs: its the rifle that interests me though! just what im after! same rifle same calibre. im just arguing with myself about parting with my s410 in 22. as its done no wrong, and parting with my money, as im tight, but im wanting to try 177. and love the look of hw100. anyway si good wright up and pics matey atb.. Mick :thumbs:

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hi Si

HOW DARE YOU TWO!!!!!!!!lol


have such a good night,with out me! :doh:

sorry i couldn't make it!


a nice read that Si,and once again some great shooting :thumbs:

and a good bag and photo's :thumbs:



are you coming this Sunday to the HFT then?


well done lads!!





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Hi Mick,


Yes the HW100 is a lovely rifle pal and comes with a good recommendation on here.


Its my second one Ive had. My first one was the HW100KT so the carbine lighter version.


I sold my last one though as it was a .22 and it wasnt really getting used as much as it should have been as my r10 is .22 and by far my favourite rifle of all time so was going out with me all the time and the poor HW100KT was sitting at home.


It went to a good mate of mine on here John.


This new one will be used for lamping and HFT though when I take it up more seriously buddy as its a .177 so flies flatter making for easier errors in range estimation.


Accuracy wise they are outstanding, just a bit heavy really mate but as I got told last night are preferred for HFT as the extra weight helps keep a steady shot.


A sling is advised or you soon will feel the weight as I did last night mate, mindya I was using a lamp, scope camera mount and camera which adds quiet a bit of weight to the overal combo.


Hi Davy,


Yep it was an ace night pal and the bunnies were out everywhere on Andys permission. Quite a few rats as well on the farm buddy.


Its a real shame that you didnt come out with us buddy. We could have got with you shooting as well, well over 20 I reckon buddy.


Yes I am coming on Sunday pal to try out the new HW100T on the HFT course to see if I can better my last score with the smaller calibre this time. Fingers crossed hey.


Hi Brad,


Trying Arrons rifle will be a good bench mark to see if you like the calibre or not buddy.



Edited by zini
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yes mate :) will be good to do a comparison and have a shoot with a bi-pod ,in need of a 9013 myself as im not exhactly good at standing kneeling shots lmao :icon_redface:



Dont worry about it Brad neither am i buddy.


Its just a case of doing the best you can and knowing your boundaries while improving all the time.



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well thats a relief haha :victory: i did find with the prone position resting the gun on my bag i was amazingly confident and could get amazing groups! but the field by the size of my house where i do the majority of my lamping is very steep so not really great in the prone position without a bipod as i cant see over the ridges in the land,hopefully a trusty 9x13 will sort that out :)


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Hi Si

Great to hear you've had a bit of luck and a great deal on the Weihrauch HW100 mate. Only pcp worth having, but, you know what I'm like for Weihrauchs! Laura should be able to show you.. SORRY... shoot with it too! :whistling:


Terrific bags of bunnies you're getting for this time of year. Looks like you're getting all mine at your shoots Si. Not so much as a sight of a white tail scutt or a squirrel anywhere here.


Looking forward to reading more from you with the new '100 pal.



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