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'Billy Bunter' & T : Thanks for the Hospitallity!

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:) 'Billy' came over and got me today and took me back to his place. On the way we drove up to a well known mountain and, just as Billy had promised, some Ravens put on an airial show over head! Believe me, those of ye who don't or haven't had the chance to see and Hear real Ravens, this is quite the treat! Forget all about silly crows. These birds are a world apart in every way!


Whilst up there I simply Had To grab ye a shot of the sort of views we enjoy here:



Looking Out From 'Raven Mountain'



Then it was on down to Billy and T's cottage. That place too would break ye hearts! Set amidst woodland and fields, Bill has room to breath deeply! As do his impeccably behaved small pack of various Dogs, to whom I was introduced, with much tail wagging and grinning all round.


Then we set out for a mouch, taking " Squirt " the typical 'Irish style' JR and " Whinnie ", one of Billy's Glenn's. We examined one fox earth - little more than a bank side rabbit bury really, but in such rocky, rooty a situation as to make it a potential job of work in itself. But, probably due to the unseasonably mild weather, there was no one at home today.


In fact, speaking of mild weather, Billy was aghast to find some remnants of last years spot of Game Crop swedes actually flowering! In f*cking January?! What's going on, people??? :no:


A 'trip', most figuratively, across a boggy bit of rough ground, to check out a swollen river brought us to another minor highlight when we found the pedigree cow a neighbouring farmer had lost. Sadly, he won't be wanting her back, the condition the scavangers and other natural conditions have left her in. Poor thing got stuck in a patch of real Bog and there she'll be staying. Crow bait for when Bill gets back with the guns.


Our circuit completed, it was back to Casa Bill for 'Refreshments' :drink: This is when Billy switched on his computer, to gain my opinion of some issue, and I all too naturally lapsed into my 'Computer Tutor' mode! :laugh: With screaming, streaming BroadBand, it should have been a snap. As it was, on the acurssed Eircom dial up, I found myself willing damn stuff to Down Load Today, damnit! Even as we tucked into what I now realise was my first 'Sunday Roast in several years :icon_eek: My compliments to the cook, " T " , for a lovely dinner and a reminder of what more 'normal' people get to probably take largely for granted. A damn rare treat for me.


Anyway, amidst more 'relaxation' :drink: I did my best to point out a few tricks and tips to help enhance Bill's on line experiance. Hope I managed to sort a wrinkle or two ~ even if I couldn't suss out why the pop ups of busty females! I put that down to the presence of adolescent males with shared access to the PC! Boys Will be boys! :laugh: I'll give that one some thought, Bill. Especially the little dark haired number in stockings and suspenders!!! :whistle:


All in all, a most welcome change to my own routine and 'Billy', his refreshingly, charmingly down to earth wife, 'T' and that f*ck off gorgeous little lurcher pup - which, damnit, I forgot to smuggle out under my jacket after all! :laugh: - made my visit a real and genuine pleasue :good:



Hey, Billy? One last computer tweak, mate? See the clock, bottom right of ye screen? Double click that f*kka. Box'll pop up. Use the up and down arrows, beneath the clock face there, to correct the time it shows, man! I had my eye on That one and never realised it was probably near on two and a half hours later than I thought it was! What a surprise I got when I breezed into my local for a crafty one! :icon_eek:

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  Irish Lurcher said:
Nice read DS, name the lake in the back ground.



irish lurcher

believe it or not that is flood water its like that every year

but plenty of lakes near by lough lea, finlough, cloonfree kilglass i could go on and on

irish lurcher there is 63 lakes and the shannon with in 7 miles of my frontdoor :yes::yes:

so im spoiled for choice :tongue2::tongue2:

cheers bb

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  Irish Lurcher said:
Yeah, do alot of my piking up that way, fish the Suck alot, L.Scur, used to fish boderg.


Cloonahee lake is one I also fish alot. Place is full of lakes. I am staying in Jamestown this weekend, will fish L.Scur on the Sunday.


i fish a lot at cloonahee and nablahy and scur we may well of met at some stage

where in jamestown not terrys place with the tackle shop at the back???

im 15 mins from jamestown where on the suck do you fish

i fish donanom,athleague,castlecoot etc one of the best pike waters in ireland

cheers bb

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I know Terry well, I will be staying in Salmon Leap, across from Terrys, if you and Ditch wuld like to join us for a drink you are more than welcome, we will be in one of the two pubs in jamestown, the second one as you come under the arch, not McCoys other one.


We are fishing Scur on Sunday.


Would love to meet up with you guys.



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  Irish Lurcher said:
I know Terry well, I will be staying in Salmon Leap, across from Terrys, if you and Ditch wuld like to join us for a drink you are more than welcome, we will be in one of the two pubs in jamestown, the second one as you come under the arch, not McCoys other one.


We are fishing Scur on Sunday.


Would love to meet up with you guys.



the second pub under the arch is kenoys we used to have our club meeting in there

i know the salmon leap just up the road from the little lebanese restaurant

will send pm later bb

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