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ruddy infuriating dog...

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bulls eyes! ooh! and chocolate ciggies! i didn't think you could get them anymore!

that's a damn handy link, they've got loads of diabetic stuff, and one of my friends is diabetic with a sweet tooth... prezzies for him methinks! nice one DS! :thumbs-up:

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bulls eyes! ooh! and chocolate ciggies! i didn't think you could get them anymore!

that's a damn handy link, they've got loads of diabetic stuff, and one of my friends is diabetic with a sweet tooth... prezzies for him methinks! nice one DS! :thumbs-up:

iv`e just dribbled all over the damn keybord MMMMMM CHOCOLATE CIGGIES!!!!!!!!!!!. :clapper:

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hahaha, i love my nickname, confuses the hell out of people... yes, female. about the least girly girl you're ever likely to encounter though!

they call me Mussells it also confuses people especially if they here me before they see me as apparantly i sound bigger than i am as well?????


when my terrier was a pup i`d get on my knees and make silly high pitched sqeakes and noises, i looked like a idiot but the dog always legged back to me!!!

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Hi ossie :) Had salukis and saluki lurchers for years,you,ve got to start them young! :yes: I see you got yours at 7 months? This not coming back lark probably started with the first owner,as pups (and adults!) they,ve got all this energy and want to run,run,run and then do some more running :laugh: They have got to assosiate coming back to you with great pleasure,not being put back on the lead and play time over,or a pissed off owner :angry: I got my pure saluki dog at 8 weeks and started off with the same whistle every time i fed him,when he came to the whistle indoors he get a bit o chicken or ham etc :) Try this indoors with yours? When your out get him to retun to you(use the same whistle) now and again,give him a treat and make a big fuss (make shure no one,s watching :whistle: :laugh: ) and let him have some more play time.Not tryin to be a know it all :no: just that this has always worked for me and pays off when you start working them and just makes such a smart dog as yours even more a pleasure to own :clapper:

Hope this is of some help ;) Do you know how he,s bred?

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How bout using a stuffed rabbit skin on a short line as a lure to get his attention. When he/she comes back, let it have a play/chase with the skin.


If the dog can learn that it has fun when it comes back to you, that's half the problem sorted.



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Do you know how he,s bred?


bought as a saluki x grey. i think there's some collie in the mix too. looks very saluki, like a saluki skin over a collie x grey body. sturdy little thing.


he gave me the runaround again this morning, belted off onto the field next door after a rabbit. buggered off right across to the other side of the field, when i caught up to him, he turned round, and trotted back home!

i'm of the mind that i should just walk off & wait for him to come back, but the people at the cottage on the other side of the field have 3 pet geese, if he got hold of one there'd be hell to pay! plus i don't have permission on the field. off to see the keeper on saturday morning. not like the estate does anything with it, it's just ten acres of setaside, bunny heaven!

it's that old temporary deafness thing, he just completely ignores me. ah well. i persevere. got a bag of aniseed balls this morning, he really liked them, but the silly bugger sucks them, so they take a while for him to eat! lady in the sweetshop said i should try liquorice, as her collie x lab goes nuts for it.


thanks to everyone who has replied, you're all coming up with some really interesting ideas, stuff that i probably wouldn't have thought of, and stuff that should have been really obvious; i always end up making things too complicated by half!

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gonna give aniseed balls a whirl too, thank god there is a traditional sweetshop in town, otherwise i'd have a hell of a job finding them!



Not with me around, love! :D Take a look at This place! Can ye shop match This?! I could spend a fortune here! :icon_eek:


Rot Your F*cking Teeth, People!!! :laugh:


Oh i love white mice & flying sausers :clapper:

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hahaha, i love my nickname, confuses the hell out of people... yes, female. about the least girly girl you're ever likely to encounter though!

you aint been round these parts love CHRIST the women are more blokes than blokes(why do ye think im single!!) :whistle:

i have a saluki cross greyhound and she is now 3yrs old bought her when she was 18months they seem to like to do there own thing i trained her in house with small bits of chicken then on a long lead if she didnt cum back frist time i didnt give chicken but after once she got my trust she follows me every where even off the lead and wont chase till i tell her i have had a few of this breed and they take time to get to trust folk but as a result they dont do strangers in my opion you have to work at it dont be to hard on here till she starts to trust you i have been told my some guys who breed salukis that they do what you want cos like l you and you cant make they do it through fear iam sure some will disagree with me but be cam if is doesnt cum back just keep trying there is light at end of tunnel Edited by scottish lurcher
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  • 2 weeks later...
new round these parts, please don't eat me...


i have a dog, wonderful in every way, but for the temporary deafness that occurs the moment i need to get him back. i can scream til i'm blue in the face, i've tried everything, from patience to a packet of McVities chocolate digestives in my pocket (and occasionally waved above my head), and the little sod still won't come back. well, he does come back, but it can take anywhere from 20 seconds to 15 minutes.

if anyone has any suggestions as to how i can speed up his response time, they would be much appreciated.

by the way, he is a saluki x. (which is probably half the problem!)




Ive had this with a couple of dogs,both had Saluki blood,but that doesnt allways mean they will be unbiddable ,have you tried taking the dog to a field with cover,a couple of bushes or high reeds ,then letting the dog off and hiding ,sometimes this works after their intial fly around they get a bit anxious and start to look for you,you didnt say how old the dog is ,if its still a pup,it might bond more with you,my present 10month old pup is stilla bit sticky at returning immediately,its very tempting to lose it ,but as DS said that would be fatal,probably it would be better to get the dog returning to you at home in a small area without distractions,then as you progress move on to a small field ,thats fenced so the dog still has limited space to roam,its best to get the dog responding to you at home first,as you know they react differently when presented with unlimited freedom to run.Good luck anyway.Inan.

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