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ruddy infuriating dog...

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new round these parts, please don't eat me...


i have a dog, wonderful in every way, but for the temporary deafness that occurs the moment i need to get him back. i can scream til i'm blue in the face, i've tried everything, from patience to a packet of McVities chocolate digestives in my pocket (and occasionally waved above my head), and the little sod still won't come back. well, he does come back, but it can take anywhere from 20 seconds to 15 minutes.

if anyone has any suggestions as to how i can speed up his response time, they would be much appreciated.

by the way, he is a saluki x. (which is probably half the problem!)




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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Rule No. 1: Never let yeself get wound up by a Dog who won't do as ye wish / command. Dog picks up on this and figures it's probably a good idea to stay out of kicking range of " Mr Angry " there ;)


Have ye tried: Sitting down. Ignoring the Dog completely? They'll often come to see what ye up to. Then just quietly and calmly leash the bugger and get on ye way.


OR; Walk Away, 'ignoring' the Dog. Again, they think they're being left out and come to rejoin the moving 'Pack'.


Failing that? Circumstances permitting, I'd try The Gypsy Trick. But, unless you're a card carrying (add ye own derogative here :rolleyes:) I can't disclose that one. If ye were? Ye'd know what I was talking about ;)


Fact that it's a Dog is good. Fact that it's a Saluki bred Dog means I'd better f*ck off and leave this one to those with far more experiance of such sods than I have. Only ever had one. She was a bitch. And a Right Bitch too! :blink:

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sitting down never even worked when he was little! the best trick so far, is running around in circles, squeaking. usually gets his attention. just makes ya feel (& look) like a complete twat.


Failing that? Circumstances permitting, I'd try The Gypsy Trick. But, unless you're a card carrying (add ye own derogative here :rolleyes:) I can't disclose that one. If ye were? Ye'd know what I was talking about ;)


great great grandma was a norfolk fen romany, does that count? six feet tall, according to legend. the only gypsy trick me mum has ever told me is bread in your armpit, feed it to the dog. supposed to make it follow you to the ends of the earth. i just got crumbs in my bra, and a dog who's breath smelt of Sure....


by the way, how's the flora?

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
i just got crumbs in my bra



:blink:OMFG!!! You're a Female?!? For gods sake, Forget That trick! :icon_eek:


(Actually, my stomach now hurts from laughing at the thought of the possibilities! :rofl:)



Oh dear. Sorry then, Ossie, I'm clean out of ideas love. Saluki? .243 ? :whistle:

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hahaha, i love my nickname, confuses the hell out of people... yes, female. about the least girly girl you're ever likely to encounter though!



Thank god for that " i was picturing some big hairy guy running after his suluki waring a bra and shoutinh here here here whilst waving a chocolate digestive above his head !


and we'v enough of those on this site already :laugh:

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hahaha, i love my nickname, confuses the hell out of people... yes, female. about the least girly girl you're ever likely to encounter though!



Thank god for that " i was picturing some big hairy guy running after his suluki waring a bra and shoutinh here here here whilst waving a chocolate digestive above his head !


and we'v enough of those on this site already :laugh:

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Thank god for that " i was picturing some big hairy guy running after his suluki waring a bra and shoutinh here here here whilst waving a chocolate digestive above his head !


and we'v enough of those on this site already :laugh:




he's a rum'un, as we say round these parts. seems i'm not the only one having this problem!

daft bugger used to get out of the living room window while i was at work in the summer... i'd get a call from my landlord telling me the dog was out ("AGAIN!"). when i went home to look for him, fully expecting it to take a good hour of traipsing round the fields to find him, he'd be fast asleep in my parking space!

he does come back eventually, it's just a frustratingly slow return. i have a railway line along one edge of the property, out to the other side is a large field heaving with rabbits, but patrolled by a trigger-happy keeper (who shot one of landlords lurchers a few years ago), and beyond both is a large wood, part of the same keepered estate as the field. consequently, getting a response first time i call him is pretty essential to his (and sometimes my) survival. he just has to sniff/piss on/eat everything interesting on his way back to me, maybe take a bit of a detour... i just need to get a bit of urgency into him!

my mum has suggested aniseed balls as a treat, she reckons most animals go nuts for them (and my mum is a veritable font of wisdom). anyone else heard of this?

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Aniseed? Any Trapper or 'Keeper worth the name knows all about aniseed, Ossie. Renowned of it's ability to attract all sorts :good: Actually, I've read that - annecdotally - it's what the Drag Hunting Packs use to lay as a lure?


Only thing is, I'd question it's efficacy here because it's a Saluki ye dealing with. Purest form of 'Gazehound' and there for stimulated by sight :( See where I'm coming from?



I'd develope this detail by suggesting ye use a visual lure. I'd even go as far as to suggest a visual attractant which the Dog has some feeling for. One of it's favoured toys .....


Only, from my own, limited to the one Dog, experiance; I don't think they're much for playing with anything, are they?


But there's ye clue, love; Think around Eye appeal ;)

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Aniseed? Any Trapper or 'Keeper worth the name knows all about aniseed, Ossie. Renowned of it's ability to attract all sorts :good: Actually, I've read that - annecdotally - it's what the Drag Hunting Packs use to lay as a lure?


Only thing is, I'd question it's efficacy here because it's a Saluki ye dealing with. Purest form of 'Gazehound' and there for stimulated by sight :( See where I'm coming from?



I'd develope this detail by suggesting ye use a visual lure. I'd even go as far as to suggest a visual attractant which the Dog has some feeling for. One of it's favoured toys .....


Only, from my own, limited to the one Dog, experiance; I don't think they're much for playing with anything, are they?


But there's ye clue, love; Think around Eye appeal ;)


yup, drag hunts use aniseed as a lure, i remember watching "Countryfile" years ago, and they showed a bloodhound pack using it. antis are well known for using it to distract hounds.


i see where you're coming from :yes:. i shall persevere with the visual whatnots. for a saluki x though, he's very scent-centric. quite often he'll run with his nose to the ground, nearly going arse-over-tit, and i've used him to catch moles, as seems to be able to sniff them out underground. he used to sniff out bits of flint when he was younger! i have a big pile of it in the garden that he's dug up. he'd just sniff about & start digging, and, hey presto! up would come a huge piece of it.

i'm gonna give the aniseed balls a whirl. it's less a matter of him smelling that i have them on me from a distance, more that if he knows i've got them, he'll be a bit keener to get back. chocolate biscuits worked pretty well, but we both started putting on a bit of weight... :oops: so they were rapidly abandoned!

Edited by Ossie
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hahaha, i love my nickname, confuses the hell out of people... yes, female. about the least girly girl you're ever likely to encounter though!

you aint been round these parts love CHRIST the women are more blokes than blokes(why do ye think im single!!) :whistle:

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hahaha, i love my nickname, confuses the hell out of people... yes, female. about the least girly girl you're ever likely to encounter though!

you aint been round these parts love CHRIST the women are more blokes than blokes(why do ye think im single!!) :whistle:


here here :clapper::clapper::clapper:


new round these parts, please don't eat me...


i have a dog, wonderful in every way, but for the temporary deafness that occurs the moment i need to get him back. i can scream til i'm blue in the face, i've tried everything, from patience to a packet of McVities chocolate digestives in my pocket (and occasionally waved above my head), and the little sod still won't come back. well, he does come back, but it can take anywhere from 20 seconds to 15 minutes.

if anyone has any suggestions as to how i can speed up his response time, they would be much appreciated.

by the way, he is a saluki x. (which is probably half the problem!)





i had a patterdale like that but just didn't come back just disappeard down the nearest hole :angry: luckerly my ex took it [bANNED TEXT] she left me :clapper::clapper::clapper:

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well, took Gyp out for a run this morning, tried out some of the tips! he belted off after a rabbit, then spotted a squirrel & tried to climb a tree... called him back, but rather than the usual firm command, i pitched my voice up a bit, and he did come back a bit quicker. i guess i sometimes forget that my voice is kinda deep for a girl, so the tone of my "here" isn't a million miles off my "no".

gonna give aniseed balls a whirl too, thank god there is a traditional sweetshop in town, otherwise i'd have a hell of a job finding them! i just gotta get over my aversion to the smell... used to drink a "cocktail" called Jellybean (1 shot each Bacardi, vodka, gin, Pernod, in a pint glass, big splash of blackcurrant & top up with lemonade) in my younger days, spent many a night puking red :sick:. i get a bit queasy when i smell aniseed now...

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