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general sgc information

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hi lads ,first off not sure whether or not this is the right section but since i know most of you i thought it would be okay to post here .

Its not deffinate but since im getting a gun safe an have wanted a shotgun for a long time im thinking of applying for one.

Im not so much asking for help about filling in the forms (Ive got them by the side of me) but what general tips and advice would you give me ?

who owns one here ?

what guns would you reccomend,will be for me and my dad so probably a 12g

any advice about when the fire arms officer comes to inspect and have a chat ?

also i live on a 2-3acre small holding and have a 60 odd acre permission so that should go in my favour :)

thanks in advance lads!


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hi lads ,first off not sure whether or not this is the right section but since i know most of you i thought it would be okay to post here .

Its not deffinate but since im getting a gun safe an have wanted a shotgun for a long time im thinking of applying for one.

Im not so much asking for help about filling in the forms (Ive got them by the side of me) but what general tips and advice would you give me ?

who owns one here ?

what guns would you reccomend,will be for me and my dad so probably a 12g

any advice about when the fire arms officer comes to inspect and have a chat ?

also i live on a 2-3acre small holding and have a 60 odd acre permission so that should go in my favour :)

thanks in advance lads!


Hi im just about to renew mine and found some usefull info on this site somewhere also try the BASC site

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Firstly, I'd say it's probably better in the FAC / SGC section, but never mind, most people browse around the forums.


As you're under 18 (from a post a couple of weeks back you said you were 16?) you can apply for a SGC but you cannot buy either a shot gun or ammunition, however you said it would be for both you and your Dad. I'm guessing he would have access to the safe, so he'll need to have his own SGC, which will be useful as he could buy the gun and the ammunition.


Somewhere on here is a link to the Home Office guidelines for firearms / shot gun licensing, I'd suggest trying to track them down and have a good read (and try not to fall asleep, they are about as dull as drying paint).

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thank you alan :) im 15 by the way :) say if my dad applied for a sgc i would then be able to shoot with him correct? and would there then be any advantage to me also applying for an sgc ?

thank you mate



PS.if a mod or armin are reading this,please could you move to the fac/sgc section? :)

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The main benefit to you having your own SGC would be that you could carry the weapon to permissions on your own, without your dad. As long as you've not got a record, or anything that might lead them to believe you would be a danger to the public, they HAVE to give you a certificate. It's not like the FAC where you have to show good reason to hold, so if you have permission or not is irrelevant (though it would be pretty pointless having one if you didn't have somewhere to shoot it).

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