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Young Lurcher Pics

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  • 3 weeks later...

Quick update on the pup. I've been trying to take her out in the middle of the day as much as possible cos she's putting up a few too many rabbits for my liking and is still a bit too young to catch them, don't want to end up with a yapper. So on Monday took her for a stroll at lunchtime and had a wander across some farmland to have a look at a small pool in the middle of a field that I've been told holds some big carp. Sods law, as I'm walking around it a flamin hare pops up about 6 feet away from us and guess who's in hot pursuit :wallbash::wallbash: I didn't try and call her off it cos I don't want her thinking chasing prey is wrong and although there was no way she was going to catch it, the hare didn't open a gap up, she kept on terms with it for a good 100 yards before it got through the hedge and away. Although chasing a hare was the last thing I wanted, secretly I was quite please with her for keeping up with it (she's not even 8 months yet), and more importantly to my relief she didn't yap. Lesson learned there though, no more farmers fields for a few months!!!


For a pup she's proper strong, playing tug of war with a toy she can drag a full grown lab around and also a deerhound/grey that's twice her size. Her retreive (with a ball/toy) is also perfect, she also follows hand signals at a decent distance away. The most impressive thing about her though is her nose, that's why it's so hard to stop her putting rabbits up all the time. I can throw a tennis ball into thick cover and even if she didn't see where it went she sniffs it out eventually and doesn't give up til she's found it, she hasn't lost one yet!


I was a bit worried about her with the ferrets at one point but I bit the bullet yesterday and introduced them properly, she was fine, perhaps a bit too playful but she didn't kill them which is a bonus! :victory: so I'll give her regular contact with them between now and next season so she doesn't even give them a second glance when ferreting. She's 21 tts, could do with her making 22 or 23 ideally but it's not the end of the world if she doesn't cos she'll mainly be used as a rabbit dog.


Well pleased with her and without wanting to wish summer away, I can't wait til September!!!!


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took her litter sister out last week, second time out on lamp she caught 2 out of 2 rabbits cracking little bitch showing good signs early on, only a small bitch, also ragged a couple of dead foxes that were shot on local farm, she showing intrest in fox scent at early age an will hunt there trail. looking good mate hope she all you want


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