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I read something the other day that made me piss myself.

It was a sign that said "Toilets closed

f*****g beauty tae.................not like ye.. :laugh:



Press the rep button then lab :thumbs:

I cant............some wee bent shot has got it super glued down by the looks of things...... :toast:

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You know a girl is in to you if you put your hand down her pants and it feels like you're feeding a horse.

A kid gave his teacher a blank piece of paper. Teacher: What is this? Kid: It's a drawing of a cow eating grass. Teacher: (looked at the paper) Where's the grass? Kid: The cow ate all of it.

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I read something the other day that made me piss myself.

It was a sign that said "Toilets closed

f*****g beauty tae.................not like ye.. :laugh:



Press the rep button then lab :thumbs:

I cant............some wee bent shot has got it super glued down by the looks of things...... :toast:



Probably EARTH

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30 things only us men do:


1. Look in the tissue after blowing our nose.

2. Touch hot things, Just to see how hot it is.

3. Set off early, And arrive late.

4. Order food, And still keep looking at the menu.

5. Fart and be proud.

6. Put a sick joke as our status.

7. Beep at girls.

8. Dance to the toilet when out clubbing.

9. Call everyone mate.

10. Dance back from the toilet.

11. Put mobile phone in our front right pocket.

12. Check our phone for no reason.

13. Have a jar for loose change.

14. Hit snooze at least 3 times.

15. Moan about the weather, when inside.

16. Stub our toe, Then blame the thing we stubbed it on.

17. Say 'I love you too' Quietly.

18. Sit with our hands down our trousers, and fiddle.

19. Wear a t-shirt in winter, because we've been to the gym.

20. Call every woman darling.

21. Check our phone, Again.

22. Piss in the shower.

23. Fart in the bath.

24. Lie about our dreams.

25. Give our car a name.

26. Laugh at the disabled.

27. Masturbate, Apparently

28. Lose the house keys, at home.

29. Save a girls number, With a blokes name.

30. Look in the mirror, and tense our arms

Edited by christian71
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I told my grandchildren that I'd rather be put to sleep with dignity than end up controlled by a machine and reliant on fluids .

Little buggers just turned the computer off ,threw me beer down the toilet and asked for the keys the gun-safe.....

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Gary Nevilles 1st game working for Sky. "Liverpool were a disgrace, they tried to intimidate the ref n kicked Drogba all over the pitch. They're slow at the back n weak up front, Gerrards past it n shud av been sent off" MARTIN TYLER; Fair comment Gary but this is Spurs v Stoke

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I saw a woman in the supermarket, struggling to control her kids. She looked really stressed. Then she accidently knocked over and smashed a bottle of milk.


She dropped to her knees and burst into tears, surrounded by spilled milk. It reminded me of something my dad used to say to my mum, so I walked over to her and said;


"Get a fu(king grip, you stupid bitch."

Edited by christian71
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What they really mean:



ATHLETIC = No tits


FUN = Annoying

WILD = Gets pissed easily

BEAUTIFUL EYES = Face like a robber's dog

SEEKS KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOUR = Ex-Husbands a f*****g nutter

NEW-AGE = Hairy with a smelly fanny

HEADSTRONG = Argumentative


CURVY = Fat c**t

CUDDLY = Fat c**t

LIKES EATING OUT = Greedy fat c**t

LIKES NIGHTS IN = Lazy fat c**t


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  • 2 weeks later...

old guy and a young lad digging in ireland , lad pops his head over the hedge and see's a funaral

coming down the lane as its gets closer , the old guy stops digging the earth looks over the hedge

and takes his hat of standing to attention hat grasped in hand and graft over his shoulder as the

funaral passes he bows his head ans whispers god bless , the young lad stare's and say's fair

play pat ive never seen so much respect , as pat carrys on digging he stops looks up at the lad

and say's ah well son i was married to her for 40 years

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a man and his wife were driving through Wales on their­ holidays when they suddenly saw a sign that said­ "Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysili­ ogogogoch".


The husband attempts to say it, but­ his wife starts laughing and soon this turns into a­ argument, so much so that they decide to pull into the­ nearest motorway restaurant.

Finishing their meal, the­ wife can't help but question the waitress.­ "Excuse me miss," asked the wife, "but­ can you settle an argument between my husband and me?­ Can you pronounce the name of where we are, but very­ slowly please."

The cashier looks at the woman­ funny and says!


"Sure, you are in­ Liiiiittttttllllleeeee Chhhhhheeeeefffff!" :icon_redface:

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