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Working Hobs

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I myself have 4 jills that i work but my friend will come out with his jills and a castrated hob. This hob just seems to be a dab hand at finding rabbits and if they dont go its a quick kill. i am happy to go ferreting and catch few and not dig. but digging to this hob almost doubles ourr bag most the time. the jills obviously dont shift these big stubbun rabbits but then im happy with that as i dont have to dig in those arkward places or hard going. i think i should get myself a castrated hob or two and see how it goes working them next season..


i was just wondering who only works hobs on here and if they are castrated..feel that castrated hobs are maybe better as concerntrate on the job!!

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If it's your jills first season chances are you maybe diGing to them next season my jill didn't kill in on her first winter of work but the next September she was like a diferent ferret she's an old warhorse now she's had a few kicks to the head this season and acouple of nasty cuts to , it just seems to ad to her hunger for stuborn rabbits trouble is finding a hob with the same pasion for the job to put over her this spring I know of one but it's a fair drive , but to look at her you wouldn't think she was such a grafter , my mates jill through the towel in with stuborn rabbits but this jill is something else ,

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one my jills is small type 2nd season and tends to get dragged if she gets a hold, ive actually seen rabbit run out hole with her attached. my two younger jills are in there first season so obviously they are still learning the game. and my 4th is older jill who will kill. im happy not to dig all time as i said before due to alot being thick hedge or hard digging. i believe they have there place but think that strong hob will just get on and kill, take bit more stick. and is castrating them improve how they work.. i.e concentration not having the hormones a full hob would have....

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My Hob is the exact same, He`s just had a vascectomy so he`s takin it easy just now,

You`ll find a good hob like that will do it whether whole, castrated whatever!.

If you have 4 Jills then a vascectomised Hob is the way forward for you buddy!, NOT CASTRATED!! he needs his bawz!! :thumbs:



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I like working jills but my son felt they werent big enough to hold down and kill the rabbits so i got him a couple of hobs and while its there first season there good grafters and there complete so getting them castrated makes no differnce

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i have got a vasectomised hob but he not really the best worker but wouldnt part with him as spent alot on snip and he does his job serving jills... i was just wondering if castrated hobs were better than intact.. as may get couple next season and having them castrated means can also keep them all together. cheers for the replys

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