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pure deerhounds

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JP,im not sure to be honest,I think she got cancer and had to be PTS,the dog then had to be PTS due to old age and health problems also.Hows Badger doing Jolly?Pm me if prefered..Romany I bet youve seen it a few times in the past.Stuning dogs though arent they.

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a proper topic,thankyou for sharing some true real life stories,

bottom one a good pic and good to see areal scotsman with the dog of there nation not some silly english twat at a daft dog show lol

Badger 2 yrs   at 7MonthsAt 7months   Just love to watch him run. Really starting to make his mark now.

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Now that head looks familiar


Doesn't it !! I was at Birr Game Fair last year with this pup, (a 1st cross), and a guy came up to me and said "that's a Doxhope bred bitch!", I asked him how he knew that, and he said "look at the head !" !!





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heres a few of my mates dogs,all were hare dogs on the hills of the west of Ireland.

nice pictures lad :thumbs:




This is the kennels that Badger comes from, lovely picks Jigsaw, is the dog on the walker the one Shanehound kept from the same litter?

Lovely big animals :thumbs:

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Cracking Dog mate, nice to see


Just crossed a pure breed (Wolfcastle bred) Deerhound bitch with a Norfolk Lurcher (bedlington x whippet/collie?), he could bearly reach,first litter, 61 hours welping, 17 pups, 10 alive, 5 to look like deehound & 5 brindle, all doing well so far.


First 12 born over first 30 hours, then an 8 hour gap, next 4 born over 4 hours, 3 still born & 1 alive, thought that was it the after a 19 hour gap, a still born pup 4 x the size of the others, so glad she passed that one else it would have killed her, 2 week pups died during this time, so left with 10, hope they make it,

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could be a cross dresser lol but like the scottish deerhound even tho it has been basterised with every country in the world nearest ive saw of the old style scottish deerhounds is the american staghound proper dogs just apity the scottish counterpart cant do the same now thought somebody would bite ,

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its good to see you taking intrest davey ,good pics optimus got a few toppers my self mate, davey there nothing worse than seeing an ungainly big dog paraded round a show ring ,when they were for on the hill moor and all the scots lads dont rate them much nowadays , but the soft southeners love them , the only place ive seen a good deerhoundy type is in the usa mate, like the SCOTTISH DEERHOUND OF OLD maybe there will be good ones but not saw any yet , or a revival by harcore working dog men , whole test them on allsort s , davey sorry if i offend you but dead against just show dogs and dogs that dont work them lke a dog that can do a job well thanks for your intrest,

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No worries mush I agree about show dogs but as far as good alround dogs it's what the bloke holding the lead puts into them and what you want out of a dog i have a litter brother to chartpolski bitch and he is doing the biz on the south downs

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