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fat gypsy wedding [fake]

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  On 02/02/2011 at 18:45, jack lee said:
  On 02/02/2011 at 15:54, rocky1 said:

well ourlass watching daybreak this morning and appartly these people on the programme are not gypsys they are irish travelers and they is a big difference ,the propper gypsy women were going off it about how gypsy women were getting branded,these so called gypsy are givin the real gypsy people a bad name, the propper gypsy were saying they don,t have them daft wedding ,the women do not get treat like that ,the propper women gypsy were saying that all grabbing is a disgrace and its assault ,does anybody on here no the difference between gypsys and irish travelers

i would also like to know is there any difference between irish travellers and english travellers,i think there all the same,anyone think different lets hear it

am english and theres a lot difference but it seems you lot no more than us :wallbash:

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Probabley not, im not scared of pikeys they are nothing, they think they are hard becuase they live in caravans, to me that just means you are thick as shit. The lot of them want burning, f*****g scum

All pikeys are scum end of


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  On 02/02/2011 at 19:03, Malt said:

I've never heard a genuine Romany person say anything good about 'Irish Tinkers'.. :no: Most of the travellers I know hate them more than the general public do..


i've heard the same said :thumbs:

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Ok here goes

English Romany gypsy originally came from India/eygpt region

Irish travellers are gorges that were made homeless during cromwells Campaign in the 1840

Under Irish law the Irish traveller is not recognised as an ethnic group but only as social group

Meaning they travel by choice or circumstance

Whereas English Romany gypsy is by blood there is no choice same as being of the Jewish race it's something your

Born into not a " lifestyle" choice

Hope this clears things

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see here's were i get confused when i was growing up there were gypo,s and please do not take offence i mean none they always had smart van MARSHALLS the ones i knew were good people the vans were full of crown derby and clean as foooook they came and went i later got to know frank marshall and a few more travelers , then came what i was told were tinkers the first lot i met were lets say unsavory , what was the difference the earlier travellers had respect , the latter none they did not give a flying foook for man nor beast , times change eh, you can not make a silk purse out of a pigs ear :hmm:

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  On 02/02/2011 at 18:10, jo54 said:
  On 02/02/2011 at 17:03, WILF said:
  On 02/02/2011 at 15:54, rocky1 said:

well ourlass watching daybreak this morning and appartly these people on the programme are not gypsys they are irish travelers and they is a big difference ,the propper gypsy women were going off it about how gypsy women were getting branded,these so called gypsy are givin the real gypsy people a bad name, the propper gypsy were saying they don,t have them daft wedding ,the women do not get treat like that ,the propper women gypsy were saying that all grabbing is a disgrace and its assault ,does anybody on here no the difference between gypsys and irish travelers


They were called "hedge mumpers" when i was a kid and they were very much looked down upon.

he we go again :thumbdown: id love to meet you dan you would propaly shit your self :wankerzo4:


Hahahahaha .................... You dick head!!!!


You just threatened a bare knuckle prize fighter with over 200 wins, you daft wanker!


WILF will eat your spleen you tit!

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all that happens on the my big fat needie wedding isnt true the girls can drink and some do smoke and they do go out 2totown and at night with theirs mates they dont need to be showferd about bye people but the part about the cleening and that is true but the rest is bollox and as for grabbin un hurd ov just and irish thing

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