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wolf lurch?

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Here is America, you can find pure bred wolves that people keep as pets. I wonder if crossing a deerhound or a grey with one would produce a good lurch. the wolf is fast, agile and has good stamina often chasing prey for miles. Plus the wolf has a lot of chase and hunting drive. Opinions?

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big rory got three wolf crosses there the best dopgs ive had , don tlikre peolpe in red capes tho, cant beat the wolf cross lol on amore serous note there was awolf greyhound in earth dog magazine many years ago

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As I tried to say in your other post (An American needs Education Advice or Whatever) Why not go with tried and tested crosses as all other have been tried at sometime or other,"If not try it yourself!", and see (But I would sugest you keep it leagle) and do not brag about ileagle activerties and ask lads to comment as it obviously smacks of anti tree hugger and bad press enticement .in Sport Jonathan

Edited by Jonathan Booth France
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