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right guys my mother in law has two squirels in her loft well so the councils pest controller says, she says there scratching all nyt now theve been around an confirmed its squirels but they said they cant do anything till march cos its the breeding season is this true i thought u cud kill them all year round any pest controllers on here that can fill me in cheers :wallbash:

Edited by biglee 1
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Not sure if the law is different up there, but in England they are a pest full stop!

No mate, you need them out of the loft as they will do damage, big time.

They are a non indiginous species and classified as a pest so they can be removed and should be destroyed.

Set out 2no live traps and plenty of peanut butter.

Edited by lamaha
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  On 01/02/2011 at 22:11, heart of wales said:

The only thing I would add to the previous post is ,if You capture the squirells make sure they are not red before you decide to kill them, as red are protected wherever You are in the UK.

Blimey, yes well qualified. Greys are pests NOT REDS! :thumbs:

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I've had squirrels active at night, not as much as rats but still activity.


If setting a live catch then a method of dispatch should be a priority before setting any live catch trap. Drowning is not suitable and illegal, if caught doing this you could end up with a criminal record. 4 x fenns wired to a beam in the loft baited with peanut butter will soon sort them out.

Squirrels often ball the insulation up and make a nest this is the best place to place the trap....right in their bed :thumbs:

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