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Should actually be executed, a friend who is a doctor is of the opinion that paedofiles cannot be rehabillitated.


Actually, the Koran is no different to the bible, its the way the extremeists interpret it that makes it what it is.


I would say that's not right, you could say there are some strange things in the old testament but they are over written by the new testament.

In as far as christian beliefs go.

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Would have to disagree there Shepp, most religions are pretty similar in their views, be they christian, hindu, jewish, muslim etc, it's the way they are interpreted by us humans.


Many nasty things have happened in the name of christianity over the years, new testament or otherwise.


We only have to look at Ireland to see what religion did there ( mix in a bit of politics as well.


Take the basics like revere your old, look after your young , its the ten commandments in a different format.


However agree with all on here, a pedo in any religion is scum and needs removing...

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Should actually be executed, a friend who is a doctor is of the opinion that paedofiles cannot be rehabillitated.


Actually, the Koran is no different to the bible, its the way the extremeists interpret it that makes it what it is.


I don't believe that.


All religion is bullsh!t IMO but Islam is a disgrace and has no place in the western world.

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