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Your dream rifle!

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Nice one Andy


Trust me Bud I'm in 100% agreement with you . I have had this one out on some other forums about the price of these guns. they're certainly nothing special compared to guns near on half their price! infact I would go as far as to say they're a pretty disapointing when it comes to value for money.



i could not have put it better my self. you pay all this extra money thinking your getting something extra or better,,and well your not.there has been some very good marketing by daystate, selling £500 rifles for £1000.


i'm gutted for my mate as i no he is. and on another point another freind of myn has a brand new air wolf, its been back twice already,only had it just befor xmas.



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we'll thats it then the world is saved...........Thank the lord you no where it is...           just a shame you cant read a post through befor jumping out the pram.

sorry mate, i didnt realise that when trying to add a thread for what i hoped would be a bit of help to you that i should write slower and maybe in capitals SO YOU COULD ACTUALLY READ THE F

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hi lads, a bit late coming in but for my ten penneth, i'm with stevo as far as a stutzen being my dream springer, wouldn't swap my HW100kt for any pcp on the market as it just suits me a treat and so far is as reliable as hell, although i havent really used it in months since getting the HW95.


i like the look of the daystates etc but could never justify spending that kind of cash on an airgun when there are so many equally good guns at half the price out there.


cheers, wurz

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Any ISP or ripley xl9 is it?daystate grand pricks too for tech.

springers,thubholed aa prosport,thumbhoe theoben evo,thumbhole theoben sl98.

The fx cylone is not what its cracked up to be,a ot of people had bad experiences with build quality.

I do like them though,as a fac rife the cyclone would be top of my list but may be the dominator/gladiator version.the storm is very nice too.

If you want a cyclone for half that price check out the webley pcps as most of them are re badged fxs,also the logun dominator/gladiator is the I think its the cutlas now?these were way cheaper before ben taylor boosted there prices with his regulators which wernt his but actually fxs (kept quite as he had main ditribution/import rights when webley/logun went bust).there way over priced now and not as well built as you would expect for the price which is why they were less then half that price when webley/logun were distributing them.send the thanks to ben taylor who not works in a furniture store is it?llol you always get cought up in ies,just a shame so many magazines and so called experts cover there little secrets up.

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  On 07/02/2011 at 15:30, secretagentmole said:

I am thinking about getting a Theoben Evolution, hell I could even get over to the factory to pick it up! They just seem a nice rifle, made in England (my current pair are Turkish Delights) and seem well priced, be interested in some opinions on these...


i had an evo for a while mate, the recoil was quite harsh on the scope- kept knocking it out a tad after a few shots, shame really cos its a lovely rifle. the hw90 from weirauch's a gas ram and is supposed to be a lot easier on your optics, malthough obviously its not made in england..


cheers, wurz

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Bleddy heathens the lot of you with your girly wirly puffy wuffy guns, are you too feeble to cock a spring gun? Give me the finest springer money can buy. No none of that German muck or owt that is now fettled by dodgy swarthy Mohammedans in backwards places like Turkey. A Whiscombe springer in the proper mans caliber (.177) the finest airgun in the universe. One popped up for sale recently but at £1250 second hand I will have to dream for a bit longer.

Edited by PeakOil
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a Pal had a Evolution in .177 for sale a while back! not sure if he still has it but I can genuinly tell you its only had 250 pellets through it at the most.


I can ask him if you are interested? this is a picture of the actual gun which has a lovely stock.


Plus beleive it or not he lives in Norfolk




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The Theoben company is British and the name is an amalgam of the names of the two guys who formed the company Mole.


One of who was Ben Taylor (you can guess the name of the other guy!) who sold his stake in Theoben to set up his own airgun company with his son, B.T.A.S. Airguns, a number of years ago :thumbs:


And for myself;

WEIHRAUCH HW77 STUTZEN .22.... Be still my fluttering heart!

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  On 08/02/2011 at 16:35, secretagentmole said:

He made no mention of that! Theoben sounds a bit Germanic in pronounciation, but I know exactly where they are...



we'll thats it then the world is saved...........Thank the lord you no where it is...






just a shame you cant read a post through befor jumping out the pram.

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