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lets us see pics of hare dogs

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Ok here goes. Is it just me or has the lurcher world been taken over by the trackies tucked into socks brigade just a bit too much I have worked and been around lurchers all my adult life and am be

Dont think your wrong as such good and bad in every one. what you have to remember is that the new generation of hunters are 10-30 yrs old, they dont do it now cos its illegal, theyve always done it

Cant believe what Im reading, what a load of sterotypical crap. Has anyone thought that this kid was taken by his dad and uncles years ago pre ban, and loves the sport. not his fault loadsa posh toffs

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Ey up

OK I am going to stand corrected here and if I have offended Terrier then I apologise to him.

Can we move on from the tracksuit issue,

Am I wrong about the element of lurcher owners I am talking about. I hope so cause it seems to me that I am seeing more and more of them in the lurcher scene. Am I wrong about them being attracted to the lurcher scene because they see it as an illegal activity and not because it`s a sport ???.

For the record, I am not posh, love coursing and never got it banned. I just don`t like what I`m seeing in some areas with lurchers making the headlines for all the wrong reasons, .




I dont think your wrong. It has nothing to do with clothes but there is certainly a growing lack of respect for land and quarry.

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Ey up

OK I am going to stand corrected here and if I have offended Terrier then I apologise to him.

Can we move on from the tracksuit issue,

Am I wrong about the element of lurcher owners I am talking about. I hope so cause it seems to me that I am seeing more and more of them in the lurcher scene. Am I wrong about them being attracted to the lurcher scene because they see it as an illegal activity and not because it`s a sport ???.

For the record, I am not posh, love coursing and never got it banned. I just don`t like what I`m seeing in some areas with lurchers making the headlines for all the wrong reasons, .




Dont think your wrong as such good and bad in every one. what you have to remember is that the new generation of hunters are 10-30 yrs old, they dont do it now cos its illegal, theyve always done it but its not 'cool' to wear other stuff, i go coursing with young and old, some in tracksuits and trainers, some in full camo, some in shirt and tie, takes all sorts, but as long as we all like the same thing who cares.


Its easy to say these are the people giving the sport a bad name but some of these 'kids' have never owned a dog before ban, but used to do it as a youngster. The temptation of their own dog running and catching a hare outways the dangers of getting caught in my opinion, what i will say is some of these youngsters are committed 100% fittests dogs out of all of us, first to be at your door to go out 4 or 5 times a week whereas the older ones have more family commitments and work issues, they may not have the best dogs, cos have no money to buy decent stock, but a half decent dog in the hands of a youngster can be a great dog, whereas best dog in the country is no good to an armchair courser whos too tired to go, or too fat to walk the land.


The reason they are getting the bad press is because theyre the only ones out there doing it as a majority. Better walking in middle of nowhere with a dog killing a few hares than moping about the streets, smoking weed and breaking into sheds and cars to feed there habits cos theyre bored. jmo. talking on a broad spectrum i know. But theres a lot of villages about the uk, and theres absolutly fxxx all for younger generation to do, coursing fills this gap. Which way would you rather your kids go? walking around shooting a few farmers pheasants with catty, walking his land, killing his hares,pugging his rabbits, digging his foxes, or being drug fuelled muggers, burglars, vandals, hoody gangs, standing outside village shop bored out of their brains, or sat in front of an xbox playing shoot me up games etc.


Socially we are fxxcked as a country, i say to all farmers, gamekeepers, landowners, police, politicians try to bring it back and there may be an improvement. some kids really do listen to their elders when talking about coursing/hunting, they are eager to learn about fitness, diet, breeding and bloodlines etc etc. at least it gets their brains working. I regular fill my jeep up the the local boys, i n ever say no. they carry the batteries, carry the kills, run to get your dog, and put diesil in the tank, and help push you out if your stuck in the mud. :thumbs:



Thanks for the reply.

I agree with what you have said ,my own lad is well into his dogs,and I try and encourage young folk into the sport as much as I can. It appears that plenty think I am right about a certain element in the lurcherword , But I will fully accept that this is not everyone that I have initially lumped in together at the begining of this post. I have spoken to my son about this as well and he Knows what I am meaning as well.



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Ey up

OK I am going to stand corrected here and if I have offended Terrier then I apologise to him.

Can we move on from the tracksuit issue,

Am I wrong about the element of lurcher owners I am talking about. I hope so cause it seems to me that I am seeing more and more of them in the lurcher scene. Am I wrong about them being attracted to the lurcher scene because they see it as an illegal activity and not because it`s a sport ???.

For the record, I am not posh, love coursing and never got it banned. I just don`t like what I`m seeing in some areas with lurchers making the headlines for all the wrong reasons, .




Dont think your wrong as such good and bad in every one. what you have to remember is that the new generation of hunters are 10-30 yrs old, they dont do it now cos its illegal, theyve always done it but its not 'cool' to wear other stuff, i go coursing with young and old, some in tracksuits and trainers, some in full camo, some in shirt and tie, takes all sorts, but as long as we all like the same thing who cares.


Its easy to say these are the people giving the sport a bad name but some of these 'kids' have never owned a dog before ban, but used to do it as a youngster. The temptation of their own dog running and catching a hare outways the dangers of getting caught in my opinion, what i will say is some of these youngsters are committed 100% fittests dogs out of all of us, first to be at your door to go out 4 or 5 times a week whereas the older ones have more family commitments and work issues, they may not have the best dogs, cos have no money to buy decent stock, but a half decent dog in the hands of a youngster can be a great dog, whereas best dog in the country is no good to an armchair courser whos too tired to go, or too fat to walk the land.


The reason they are getting the bad press is because theyre the only ones out there doing it as a majority. Better walking in middle of nowhere with a dog killing a few hares than moping about the streets, smoking weed and breaking into sheds and cars to feed there habits cos theyre bored. jmo. talking on a broad spectrum i know. But theres a lot of villages about the uk, and theres absolutly fxxx all for younger generation to do, coursing fills this gap. Which way would you rather your kids go? walking around shooting a few farmers pheasants with catty, walking his land, killing his hares,pugging his rabbits, digging his foxes, or being drug fuelled muggers, burglars, vandals, hoody gangs, standing outside village shop bored out of their brains, or sat in front of an xbox playing shoot me up games etc.


Socially we are fxxcked as a country, i say to all farmers, gamekeepers, landowners, police, politicians try to bring it back and there may be an improvement. some kids really do listen to their elders when talking about coursing/hunting, they are eager to learn about fitness, diet, breeding and bloodlines etc etc. at least it gets their brains working. I regular fill my jeep up the the local boys, i n ever say no. they carry the batteries, carry the kills, run to get your dog, and put diesil in the tank, and help push you out if your stuck in the mud. :thumbs:



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people keep on about these youngens with trackies and trainers but these young lads have the desire 2 get out a run the dogs 7 nights a week ,i no some yougens are going round the street slipping their dogs on cats,but theirs alot who getting out their doing it ,i love 2 be out 7 nights a week but with a missus and 3 young children it just not possible if i can get out 3/4 night a week that does me,i just think i soon people seee trackies and airmaxs they are chavs that allways the case

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Ey up

OK I am going to stand corrected here and if I have offended Terrier then I apologise to him.

Can we move on from the tracksuit issue,

Am I wrong about the element of lurcher owners I am talking about. I hope so cause it seems to me that I am seeing more and more of them in the lurcher scene. Am I wrong about them being attracted to the lurcher scene because they see it as an illegal activity and not because it`s a sport ???.

For the record, I am not posh, love coursing and never got it banned. I just don`t like what I`m seeing in some areas with lurchers making the headlines for all the wrong reasons, .




Dont think your wrong as such good and bad in every one. what you have to remember is that the new generation of hunters are 10-30 yrs old, they dont do it now cos its illegal, theyve always done it but its not 'cool' to wear other stuff, i go coursing with young and old, some in tracksuits and trainers, some in full camo, some in shirt and tie, takes all sorts, but as long as we all like the same thing who cares.


Its easy to say these are the people giving the sport a bad name but some of these 'kids' have never owned a dog before ban, but used to do it as a youngster. The temptation of their own dog running and catching a hare outways the dangers of getting caught in my opinion, what i will say is some of these youngsters are committed 100% fittests dogs out of all of us, first to be at your door to go out 4 or 5 times a week whereas the older ones have more family commitments and work issues, they may not have the best dogs, cos have no money to buy decent stock, but a half decent dog in the hands of a youngster can be a great dog, whereas best dog in the country is no good to an armchair courser whos too tired to go, or too fat to walk the land.


The reason they are getting the bad press is because theyre the only ones out there doing it as a majority. Better walking in middle of nowhere with a dog killing a few hares than moping about the streets, smoking weed and breaking into sheds and cars to feed there habits cos theyre bored. jmo. talking on a broad spectrum i know. But theres a lot of villages about the uk, and theres absolutly fxxx all for younger generation to do, coursing fills this gap. Which way would you rather your kids go? walking around shooting a few farmers pheasants with catty, walking his land, killing his hares,pugging his rabbits, digging his foxes, or being drug fuelled muggers, burglars, vandals, hoody gangs, standing outside village shop bored out of their brains, or sat in front of an xbox playing shoot me up games etc.


Socially we are fxxcked as a country, i say to all farmers, gamekeepers, landowners, police, politicians try to bring it back and there may be an improvement. some kids really do listen to their elders when talking about coursing/hunting, they are eager to learn about fitness, diet, breeding and bloodlines etc etc. at least it gets their brains working. I regular fill my jeep up the the local boys, i n ever say no. they carry the batteries, carry the kills, run to get your dog, and put diesil in the tank, and help push you out if your stuck in the mud. :thumbs:

well said mate you i could not have put it anybetter my self my young lad is 14 he wear wat he wear he have he,s own dog he is in to the hunting . the dogs keeps him out of troble if he is not at home he is hunting. not on the street getting in troble like the rest of the young lads he,s age so i like to see young lads getting into the hunting so wat they wear dose not have a thing to do with hunting atb hh :thumbs:

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Well to be fair......The lads yard looks clean and tidy,not covered in 6" of dog crap like some you see on here. His dogs look in decent nick and well looked after.

Yes he is wearing a track suit but he's 14 and thats just what 14 year olds wear.Bit harsh to call him a chav on the back of that.


I know what you are saying about some of the clients our sport seems to attracts but there are as many wrong ens that dress in real tree camo in the game as there are dressed in trackies.


And yes the bit about the hares "ass" is a little bit strange to you and me but think back to when you were 14 and I'm sure that you must have said things to adults that got a reply along the lines of "the things kids say today"


We were all young once and just because people speak or dress a little different from ourselfs I don't think we should judge them and should just be pleased that there are still some young lads around that do infact have respect for their dogs and their quarry.


Just my opinion though.....May be wrong.






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Ey up

OK I am going to stand corrected here and if I have offended Terrier then I apologise to him.

Can we move on from the tracksuit issue,

Am I wrong about the element of lurcher owners I am talking about. I hope so cause it seems to me that I am seeing more and more of them in the lurcher scene. Am I wrong about them being attracted to the lurcher scene because they see it as an illegal activity and not because it`s a sport ???.

For the record, I am not posh, love coursing and never got it banned. I just don`t like what I`m seeing in some areas with lurchers making the headlines for all the wrong reasons, .




Dont think your wrong as such good and bad in every one. what you have to remember is that the new generation of hunters are 10-30 yrs old, they dont do it now cos its illegal, theyve always done it but its not 'cool' to wear other stuff, i go coursing with young and old, some in tracksuits and trainers, some in full camo, some in shirt and tie, takes all sorts, but as long as we all like the same thing who cares.


Its easy to say these are the people giving the sport a bad name but some of these 'kids' have never owned a dog before ban, but used to do it as a youngster. The temptation of their own dog running and catching a hare outways the dangers of getting caught in my opinion, what i will say is some of these youngsters are committed 100% fittests dogs out of all of us, first to be at your door to go out 4 or 5 times a week whereas the older ones have more family commitments and work issues, they may not have the best dogs, cos have no money to buy decent stock, but a half decent dog in the hands of a youngster can be a great dog, whereas best dog in the country is no good to an armchair courser whos too tired to go, or too fat to walk the land.


The reason they are getting the bad press is because theyre the only ones out there doing it as a majority. Better walking in middle of nowhere with a dog killing a few hares than moping about the streets, smoking weed and breaking into sheds and cars to feed there habits cos theyre bored. jmo. talking on a broad spectrum i know. But theres a lot of villages about the uk, and theres absolutly fxxx all for younger generation to do, coursing fills this gap. Which way would you rather your kids go? walking around shooting a few farmers pheasants with catty, walking his land, killing his hares,pugging his rabbits, digging his foxes, or being drug fuelled muggers, burglars, vandals, hoody gangs, standing outside village shop bored out of their brains, or sat in front of an xbox playing shoot me up games etc.


Socially we are fxxcked as a country, i say to all farmers, gamekeepers, landowners, police, politicians try to bring it back and there may be an improvement. some kids really do listen to their elders when talking about coursing/hunting, they are eager to learn about fitness, diet, breeding and bloodlines etc etc. at least it gets their brains working. I regular fill my jeep up the the local boys, i n ever say no. they carry the batteries, carry the kills, run to get your dog, and put diesil in the tank, and help push you out if your stuck in the mud. :thumbs:



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Ok here goes.

Is it just me or has the lurcher world been taken over by the trackies tucked into socks brigade just a bit too much

I have worked and been around lurchers all my adult life and am begining to hope that the hare ban is not lifted.(for the saftey of the hare population)

The fact that it is illegal has gotten a lot of folk into lurchers and all for the wrong reasons, I hate to think of the carnage if they thought they had the right to go mental on the Hares "ass" (dear god!!).


I realise that hunting hares with lurchers is an amazing sport,and that in areas that need culls, coursing would be a superb method,(I have only shot 1 hare in the last 8 years) but there appears to be less sport and more chav bling about coursing these days.


I realise that my views may not be popular, but hey ho!!




:yes: yepyep

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