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out again last night

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went lamping again last night with world.hunters witton and his mate.we met just after 11:00 and witton took us to some land which he knows.both dogs done ok but there wasnt many rabbits out dew to the heavy rain and lack of wind i think but they both had a few runs each.the first slip was for wittons bitch and after a very good course it was snapped up,wittons mate set of to get the rabbit only to disapper down a hole and had to crawl back out,we were all in stitches apart from him who by now had wet feet but anyway he did well carrying the rabbits .we carried on along a path and we spotted our next squatter so bramble was sliped and after another exciting course we had number two.it carried on raining and we were all soaked . we had a few more runs but they were all long slips so we headed back with just the two rabbits.we took a few photos and then we set off for home.we split up from witton and his mate as we live in different directions so me and world.hunters lamped some land on the way back were we had few more runs but did not catch anything. it took about 2 and 1/2 hours to get home and we were soaked threw but it was worth it.







good hunting



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It wasn't the most productive night but it was still good fun, all the action was in the first 10 minuits. We only really had 2 real runs between us, After that it was a couple of really long slips at rabbits sat along the hedgerows. Still it was good to be out.


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Neat looking dogs, the both of them, though I do love the look of Bramble: what way is she bred?

thanks mate shes 3/4 greyhound x 1/4 beardie collie,wittons dog is in cracking shape and isa credit to him.


Nice one lads :clapper:


NBC suit jackets eh? :D I remember those from when I was a teenager. A bloke we used to dig with told us they were fireproof....so we set fire to my mate Nick..... :laugh:


He was lying :laugh:


:laugh::laugh: very funny ,we got them because they are very cheap for the whole suite and it keeps us dry and warm.thanks again everyone who has replied.ill probably be out again tonight just mooching with the lamp and world.hunters harris hawk.


STAFF-1 next time im on msn ill get it of you mate but i dont know when.

Edited by REW
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