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Travel to work.

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Just wondering how far people travel to their place of work?

I travel 60 miles each way, 5 days a week :(



Commute of 82 miles each way. You sort of get used to it but still knackering

Tell me about it lol.

I leave the house at 5.50-6.00am and get to the workshops at just after 7am. Start work at 7.30am and finish at 5pm, then it takes anything between 1hr 15mins to 2hrs to get back home :cry:


Wouldnt do it if the money was crap though :thumbs:



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Im a subby and have to go where the work is, anything from 45mins to an hour and a half each way. Used to be ok when the money was good but now its barely worth it, i'd earn the same as a labourer locally which makes you wonder why you bother laerning a trade?


Im just about to start up a business locally coz im sick of the travelling, being knackered all the time and the crap money. I'll probably earn less but wont be spending hours a day driving and a fortune on diesel. Fingers crossed!

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I used to travel 85 miles each way to work. I would never do it again, a couple of near misses driving when tired. It was a good paying job etc, but now i have a lower paying job with 35 miles round trip. I would never go back.



Cheers Pernod

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All over the UK. :thumbs: .................... although from Saturday i'l be based in South AFrica for 2 weeks .... my job is a struggle sometimes! :D :D



Do you need a hand with your luggage ?? :laugh::laugh:



All my travelling is in work time, we can go up to 50 odd miles one way, but being paid for it makes it bareable. However, i have a Landrover as a works van and it's not the best vehicle to be spending a long time in it driving.

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When i was fitting signs i was all over the uk, but having a career change now so a couple of months left at college which is 10 mins walk away, then the apprenticeship starts which will be half hour to the forge, then go from yard to yard round the county!

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have to go where the work is, anything from 45mins to an hour and a half each way. Used to be ok when the money was good but now its barely worth it


I reckon charging to quote work ought to make a come back. Getting proper f@cked off with timewasters having me drive all over the place to quote work and not even having the courtesy to write / email a brief acknowledgement of the quote I just spent half a day and a load of diesel money on producing. I don't care if they want the work doing or not, just a quick 'thankyou for the quotation and we will let you know within the next month if we decide to go ahead', it only takes seconds.

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