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bit advice needed

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the dog i got the other day is kept indoors and he sleeps in my conservatory on a night, ive put him in at 11.30pm then he is in there till 7 am when i let him out for a slash, i went out today so put him in the conservatory, he was in there for 2 hours, when i got back he had trashed the place, chewed clothes that were on the radiator, ate a pair of trainers and ripped my new blinds to shreds, to put it politely the misses went spare,

why has he been ok over night but not for the first time during the day, he has raw hide to chew on if he wants it and had his dry food and water down,

just incase people jump the gun about the conservatory it has a constant supply of air etc he is shut in by a baby gate with the actual door left open

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  On 31/01/2011 at 21:34, lamping lurchers said:

the dog i got the other day is kept indoors and he sleeps in my conservatory on a night, ive put him in at 11.30pm then he is in there till 7 am when i let him out for a slash, i went out today so put him in the conservatory, he was in there for 2 hours, when i got back he had trashed the place, chewed clothes that were on the radiator, ate a pair of trainers and ripped my new blinds to shreds, to put it politely the misses went spare,

why has he been ok over night but not for the first time during the day, he has raw hide to chew on if he wants it and had his dry food and water down,

just incase people jump the gun about the conservatory it has a constant supply of air etc he is shut in by a baby gate with the actual door left open



im not sure what you expected from him bud, daylight is when dogs are most active, bringing a strange dog in to your home and expecting him to act like ai angel was a non starter, you need to condition him to understand your comings and goings,,the dog dont understand your ever coming back, how could he, think bout it

, you leave the house, he totally on his own, he panics, the only way he can relieve his stress is orally,,barking ripping , tearing,,generally redecoration the place

,given time he will begin to understand your time table,try tiring him out physically but i dont think their is a quick fix until he settles down,,,get him out or crate him maybe,,best of luck,,

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Had the same problem mate, Radio trick works a treat, but you've gotta think about like above posts, he hasn't got a routine yet, he doesn't know your coming home, give him time, or maybe if the missus will let ya, get yaself another dog to keep him company, took me a while but i bribed her into letting me have another if i went to watch sex and the city at the pics :blink: women are easily pleased. ATB mate

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Could be he was bored or a touch of SA - did you take him out for any excersize before you went out?


Raw hide chews, most dogs dont care for them - bone from the butchers

Kong filled with what ever, may be better to keep the dog entertained

how old is the dog?

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Think i'd be caging him with a nice comfy bed and a large bone to occupy him. Give him plenty of excercise before you go out so he's more settled, leave a radio on, all helps.

When he has settled in properly and doesn't show distress when left you can leave the cage door open and just keep it as his bed but allow him the extra conservatory space but he has to have settled in where you know you wont come back to a trashed room again.

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  On 31/01/2011 at 21:47, oggy808 said:

try leaving the radio on when you go out ,and leave the dog in when your in the other part of the house then go back to him in 15 minnits then 30 mins and build up gradualy hope this helps, oggy

if the radio does not work get him a dvd and if that does not work get him a blowup doll,and if all fails use the old method A GOOD KICK UP THE HOLE

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  On 01/02/2011 at 00:00, jack lee said:
  On 31/01/2011 at 21:47, oggy808 said:

try leaving the radio on when you go out ,and leave the dog in when your in the other part of the house then go back to him in 15 minnits then 30 mins and build up gradualy hope this helps, oggy

if the radio does not work get him a dvd and if that does not work get him a blowup doll,and if all fails use the old method A GOOD KICK UP THE HOLE


Oh yeah that'll work - NOT!

Go out, dog gets distressed and wrecks stuff, come home, dog gets really excited and pleased you came back so you go in see the mess and give it a boot up the backside. How to totally mess up your dog and destroy it's trust in you in 1 easy step :thumbdown:

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