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sick of waiting lol

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ive been saving for a couple of weeks now and im still in the process of saving for a new air rifle im currently drawn to the bsa lighting xl tacticle any one own one of these as ide like to hear some feed back ?.


thanks for reading guys


atb ross

Edited by furgle
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They're not too good, Furgle....


The trigger's are crap, the build quality's poor (Spanish built by Gamo..), the scope rail's an odd size, they twang and rattle badly, high recoil, the moderator BSA fit hardly makes any difference, bits come lose all the time 'cos of the vibes, they're not really what anyone could call a quality product....


Have a look at the HW99 and 95, they knock the Gamo, er, I mean Lightning into a cocked hat on all counts.


Cheers :thumbs:

Edited by andyfr1968
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I've owned quite a few rifle since I first got into it and I've never owned a hw I've had most other things webly bsa and all them cheap chinese but as you say if there that good I will have to give them a try mate :) ile have a scout about in local shops and get back to you :)


Atb Ross

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Wow mate what a choice you have made there :thumbs:


In my opinion the HW95K is the best light weight full power hunting rifle out there.


Ive owned 3 or 4 or them and a Lightning when they first came out so better than they are now and the HW95K absolutely pees all over the Lightning.


Id say out of 10 the Lightning is 6 and the HW95K is 10.



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  On 31/01/2011 at 18:38, andyfr1968 said:

They're not too good, Furgle....


The trigger's are crap, the build quality's poor (Spanish built by Gamo..), the scope rail's an odd size, they twang and rattle badly, high recoil, the moderator BSA fit hardly makes any difference, bits come lose all the time 'cos of the vibes, they're not really what anyone could call a quality product....


Have a look at the HW99 and 95, they knock the Gamo, er, I mean Lightning into a cocked hat on all counts.


Cheers :thumbs:


Is this from personnel experience?You failed to mention 1 good thing.You must of got a bad one.They are spanish made but there most certainly a quality rife when compared to the smks/comet and Gamos.Look clloser at the gamos and pease te me which one the ightning is cuz if I can get them for £100-120 I will buy as many as I can.


  On 31/01/2011 at 18:45, furgle said:

Nice one fella but see thing is I wanted summit light as I'm not the biggest of geezas lol


There the lightest your going to get.The recoils a bit harsh on 177 due to it being so light.

I have 2 one springer and one gas rammed and neither have ever et me down.Out and out hunting rifle.

I agree with andy that the silencers are rubbish and the triggers may not be the best but the triggers can be adjusted and tell me a springer that is quiete with the best of mods on.

They do get twangy with heavy use but so do all springers.


I would recommend one any day of the week and if any probs send it back to get sorted free as with all mass produced things there never going to be perfect out the box.

He mentions the HWs,nice yes but what about the shabby cut down spring and hu cartridges customer service?

Just test fire your lightning,I didnt even go for a tac or x as the silencer is hard to get off.I got the standard one with the normal siencer option and I can say that the sound is exactly the same with the hw silencer on.

The scope rail is not dodgey,all beezas are 13mm and ive never had a problem with mount or broken scopes,the damper does its job as it should.

The gas rammed one is no different to theoben evo except the blue is not as nice.


Mine have been threw the wars and never let me down.


just to add mine are old lightnings so may be andy is right about the new ones but all I can say bad about mine is the bue is not so tasty as other rifles.

Edited by HEAD SHOT
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Hi, Head Shot, yes it is from personal experience.


I used to fix airguns for a living years back and all the problems I've mentioned came up time and again with Lightnings. I've just sold my own UK built Lightning a couple of weeks back to a lad on here, I'd sorted the trigger, fitted a gas-ram and turned it into a much better gun but it still wasn't as good as a standard HW95 or 99.



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