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They are still coming strong

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We dropped back on to my local farm to carry on where we left off the other day, the temperature was much warmer than the previous morning when we were on a partridge shoot on there. I had a word with the adjoining farm keeper while on the shoot and he said it was ok to do the boundry hedge bordering both farms, an oportunity not to be missed. We had my oldest son with us this time, he has never been ferreting before and only just moved out into the sticks just up the road from me so an experience for him.

Its hard to imagine whats involved when you have never been but he seemed to get the grasp of things quickly. By the time we got to breakfast time and the sarnis and drinks came out we had 21, it had been pretty good going up to then with a few digs but just a foot deep.

After we had gorged our snap we carried on and things got a little bit harder but they were still coming pretty regular, but just in ones and twos. We finished to the end of this hedgerow avoiding the maize strips as there was a shoot on there tomorrow and didn't want to spook the birds so moved to the boundry hedge. There were plenty of signs so things looked good, unfortunately there were a few nasty digs but all the same we dont mind.


As we got further up the track they started to thin out somewhat, you could see the difference in the crops in the field, hopefully we would make a big difference with our recent bags which about tally 600 now. The rabbits had the guts dropped and there were a few with young and we had a quart grown one so the time is starting to draw near, we need to make it count before we have to stop.

I am pretty sure we have done more than a good job around here, even the other gamekeepers have heard of our exploits so I am hoping that we get a few phone calls for future reference. I have also been promised some good pigeon shooting, one of my other passions for when the rabbiting season ends.

All credit to my crew, good lads that graft hard and love it just like me, they are not scared to get stuck in crawling under brambles or hawthorn hedgerows and forever picking thorns out of all maner of places while in the tub after.

Its a pleasure to be out ferreting and to have good land and very understanding keepers, afterall without any of this we would be stratching about for a few here and there.


We had a count up, my estimate for the day this morning was 40 due to some difficult areas but we just surpassed it and managed 44, so a good day all told.


from left to right Tony (my son) Ray, Me, Stevo and Danny 43 bunnies and the usual one in the terrier cage as a reward 44 total.

I have been taking my camera trying to complie enough for a dvd, I have done a bit and hope to have enough for a full 30 minutes, it will be good bad and (Ray) I mean ugly.

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