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good night lamping with lamperman

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We set away out rabbiting the other night, with the lamp and 22lr. we drove up to the farm, what looked to be a good night down here changed to be snowing once we got up onto the moor where the farm was, but not to worry we were there so we had a walk round, ended up bagging 5 rabbits, a hare what was not geting about well looked to have a bad leg, it was not running properly when we picked it, the hare was like a bag or rice to what had hapend i dont know.

Edited by shoota
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  On 30/01/2011 at 18:00, terrierjohn said:

lost and left to roam it soon becomes a pest and finds its way into chicken pens etc


Bollox. There was no need to shoot it. FFS if anything it would prey on rabbits. Can't you handle the competition? They are a native species just starting to recover in numbers and smart-ass dickheads shoot them on sight. Do you really want to kill everything that moves? C**t.

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bollox my arse if i see a poley on my ground if its not able to be caught and kept then it will be classed as wild and will be dealt with


competition for rabbits isnt a problem for me cos theres not much to go at here in the first place i'm talking more on the wavelength of folk who keep fowl or gamebirds and if a poley/ferret wild or tame comes across a pen then they will take out some birds plain and simple pest control and not to mention ground nesting bird are at threat


and by the way c**t i dont kill everything i see and i let more than enough foxes go after i've dug to them and more than often dont slip my dogs when out and dont take aim on every corvid or ferral i leave plenty about for other days

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OK guys. If there's good reason fair do's to yez. I just don't like people who seem to take pride in killing for the sake of it. Like you say Terrierman about foxes. If you're on a market garden farm foxes can be helping the farmer by predating rabbits.


Sorry if I, er, so to speak, jumped the gun.


Ric ;)

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  On 30/01/2011 at 21:28, RicW said:

OK guys. If there's good reason fair do's to yez. I just don't like people who seem to take pride in killing for the sake of it. Like you say Terrierman about foxes. If you're on a market garden farm foxes can be helping the farmer by predating rabbits.


Sorry if I, er, so to speak, jumped the gun.


Ric ;)

no worries ric


i do see where you were coming from though and i know lamperman is likeminded with me and dont kill for the sake of it

and take pride in a clean kill not the species that was killed

and i 80% of the time kill the weak and leave the strong and only taking the odd healthy bunny for the pot the weak go to the dogs


and if the poley was in an area that it would not pose as much a threat to other species i have no problems with leaving it alone and i know lamperman would do the same


but hey fair play to you for appoligising and hers a wee sp for it :thumbs:

cheers john

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i pole cat could cost any one who keeps birds as a job thousands of pounds worth of damage, it is an estate which we shoot on and we would do anything to help the keepers out, and as for people who loose ferrets and polecats, put your hand in your back pocket buy a collor and box and take a spade to dig the ferett out, there is no excuses for people loosing ferrets they always come out. the pole cat is vermin there not many pole cats that size kept in cages. why is it whenever people put posts on here that you all disagree with what is put on have you got nout better to do!

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