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Wedding and section meet

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Hi lads,


Just wanted to say that me and Laura will be getting married as soon as we legally can as I have proposed to her now, and after chatting to her about the wedding we wanted to do it a little different to the normal :yes: .


We are looking at inviting around 15 to 20 of the regulars with their partners off here (this section) that have become my friends over the past 2 years, including all my other friends and family plus my best mate Sergej from Germany and his wife Olga :yes:.


What we want to do is hold a meet the day prior to the wedding though. An informal HFT comp is the idea and a general ging gang goolie, get together with a bar be que etc plus a few beers.


This will give you all a chance to meet my family and friends from other circles that I am involved in the day before the wedding and get them involved in what we do for our sport i.e. shooting and hunting plus build up a nice rapor prior to the reception as you will all know each other by then.


The meet will consist of a spring piston / gas ram rifle comp / shoot in the morning for the lads that only have a springers or are lucky and have both PCP and springers, and a PCP comp / shoot after the bar be que at dinner time.


If the springer lads wish to also enter the PCP comp / shoot then that fine and welcomed.


A trophy will be given as a keeper for the winner of the springer / gas ram shoot and for the PCP shoot.


After the comps are finished it will just be a few beers and shooting if you wish with lots of friendly chat and banter etc.


Regarding the wedding:


We will plan the wedding to be on the Saturday and the meet to be on the Friday, giving you the Sunday to recover :doh: .


The date will come out well in advance so you can hopefully book a Friday off from work. It will be the Summer time so it will be nice weather etc and later nights.


The wedding will just be a quick low key Registry Office affair with the main thing being the reception at night that we want to be a cracker for us and all attending.


The night time will consist of a disco, karaoke for Davy as he’s a star on the karaoke as I’ve been informed by Mandy Waugh, and a lot of good food and ale :drinks: .


The dress is fancy dress for the reception and the theme is Heroes of the big screen, so basically you can come as what ever you want from the TV films.


It should be a cracking event and it is hoped that the invited regulars have as good a time at it as me and Laura will.


On a cheeky note:


Just also wanted to know Davy if I could borrow yours and Charlies metal knock downs for the meet?


You are both invited so you can keep a eye on them anyway ;):laugh: .


The meet and wedding will most probably be in Nottingham where my mum lives and by around next July or August.





Edited by zini
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dont do it..........................................................

Thanks lads,


Im lucky to have such a wonderful woman in my life.


LOL Steve (maybe).


Hi Mark,


Get yours and Emmas fancy dress stuff sorted buddy.


I would be honoured to have you both at the wedding, you along with a few others in here have given so much for me and done lots for me.


It would be a pleasure buddy.



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Hi Darryl,


If i was a betting man i would say next August pal but it may be sooner if we can get the legall stuff sorted faster.


I still defo want you to do the photos for me though buddy at your special price of course :thumbs: .



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