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Shot deer being transported

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Just been reading this article from the bbc scotland news site




Personally, I think its ridiculous that people who are legally and legitimately shooting deer should have to "cover up" any aspect of what they do. If you live in the countryside and you see deer culling being carried out and deer being transported, and you dont like it, then FUCKOFF back to wherever you came from and let country people get on with what they have been doing for hundreds of years! At one time it was ponies or horses and carts used to transport them, I suppose there will be a call to ban that next incase someone sees that and complains :doh: what is this country coming to really? Its a bad day when country pursuits have to be stifled to keep the bunny huggy fluffy brigade happy. When I was a child growing up on a working farm I saw sheep, cattle, pigs and goats both going off to slaughter and being slaughtered. I was told this is where your dinner comes from and if you dont like it, well you wont be wanting any meat for your dinner then will you :laugh: kids nowadays are wrapped in cotton wool when it comes to things like this. theres a big hypocrisy going on cos I bet those who complain about seeing a dead deer in the back of a pickup, wouldnt have anything to say if they were ordering a juicy venison steak in a fancy restuarant :doh:

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Lots of people never grew up on farms. The fact is we kill things and move dead animals about. Being a bit discrete is to our benefit really. Just saying put up or shut up doesn`t really cut it. Like saying an open abattoir in the town centre should sort the moaners out.

My tuppence worth , I don`t pander to soft hearted antis ,but still act discretely in public places.

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our old high school was right next to an abbatoir :laugh: never bothered the thousands of kids who went to school there for years and years. course nowadays thats considered "wrong" but back then it wasnt? mad :blink: but I hear what your saying. Personally I think if your allowed to be doing something then you shouldnt have to hide it from anyone, but perhaps Im alone in this thinking.

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I think an open abbatoir in city centres is a great idea, might make people think about animal welfare ?

Hilost youre not alone, im sick of tip toeing around antis, education is what they need, but the powers that be are working hard to disconect people from the real world. :thumbs:

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People don't want to see dead animals bouncing about on the back of a pick up or trailer and why should they. Its not a site i like my self. The deer is our most iconic animal but looks like shit when it has its head missing and legs removed and is slit from as through tit. Lets not make our sport about the goar.

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I think an open abbatoir in city centres is a great idea, might make people think about animal welfare ?

Hilost youre not alone, im sick of tip toeing around antis, education is what they need, but the powers that be are working hard to disconect people from the real world. :thumbs:

Very true mate. seeing a deer on the back of the truck is no different to seeing meat in a butcher or on the table. Where do the kids think there food comes from.

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Honestly guys I can see both sides of the coin ,1 why should we hide it but 2 the grief it saves being discreet.Weve a bit of permission (thats only good for rabbits)as soon as we start to lamp a few feilds that are near a cottage that sits near them the woman of the house used to come out with a lamp and start shouting so to spook the rabbits ,she even hid in a bush 1 night until we were at the fields .My mate had to eventually chap the door last summer and have a word with the husband who explained they were townies and just moved to the country (its never happened again)another time one of the guys I stalk with had 2 shot deer in his pickup when he stopped at a set of lights in edinburgh town centre on the way to the butchers when a couple on the bus that stopped next to him motioned to him that they thought he master***** and a few other gestures.So yes we shouldnt have to hide it but its alot easier if we do.Just my tuppence worth :thumbs:

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I think your looking at it all wrong and are being pretty narrow minded. Whilst it's all very well doing what you do with pride etc and not covering up for anyone, you have to remember that any small rural community in that area would make the majority of its income from tourists during the summer season. It's fairly understandable and predictable that if the deer herds are being culled all summer and there are truck loads of carcasses in the village square then tourism will take a down turn and the local economy could seriously suffer.

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We have the same problem here in the States. There are lots of antis who will curse you with one hand while the other hand holds a cheeseburger. It doesn't make much sense, but in the interest of preserving our sport, most hunters here will show some discresion when transporting game home from the field.


I live in a very urban area and I get enough looks when I walk into a gas station wearing camo. I wonder if the neighbors will mind if start gutting my deer from the back porch.

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i just clean mine out then lay them in the back of my pickup .if anyone wants to look in then so be it any abuse is met with abuse simple keep your big nose out of my business and out of my truck .my new neighbour is a ex hunt sab and sadly i know her from my days as a hunt terrierman she has caused me no end of greif love it had council around enviromental officer planing officer waste lorrys love it. i still hang my deer and all game i fetch home no law being broken its my garden and all leagal :thumbs:

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