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breeding pattercales

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I was one of the lads tht went to meet mark with earthmover and he's a sound lad, he'd only recently moved to a new houe so he didn't no the area tht wel which we new befor we went down so mark wasn't

what you asking question like that for ,you drop earthmover 2011 with a dog patterdale out of his litter ,what was exuse again i,m up 2 court for a airrifle what different does that make ,at the same time you got a tread going in the wanted section for hounds the dogs are 5 weeks old and you waited untill yesterday 2 tell him ,anyway the pup you were ment 2 be getting has now gone 2 a good friend of our ,who will work it

Edited by rocky1
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to be honest lad without any malice, it's a silly question to be asking. if you have intentions of breeding two dogs together, you should have your homework done we'll before now. for example. knowledge of the dam and sires litters when they were born. how many of them turned to be good workers also???? that way you wouldn't have to ask, as you would know then for yourself. even a slight history of what you intend to produce might help??? rather than posting a thread looking to know what colour of puppys your gonna have???? sounds to me that you're planning on breeding two chocs and hoping the pups are choc also for the money alone. :thumbdown: forgive me if im wrong. :blink:

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all i,m saying what diiference does it make ,you said for weeks you wanted ,he even said 2 you last week ,do defo want this pup cause their lads wants it you said defo ,i,m going 2 put a deposit in your bank,2 me it sounds like you,ve got some other pups in mind and thats the real reason,the lads came all the way 2 sheffeild when you promise the 2 get some digs and you did,nt have a clue were none were wasted all that fuel money and time ,what a clown :censored:

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plus if i had 1 to breed off id keep 1s that i wonted back n give rest away im not in it for the money no need to sell them and if i did ask owt for them it would only be the same price as haveing um docked

so now you slagging the lad for wanting some money for his pups

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