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near perfect night

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Hii lads ,maybe this is a pointless and non informative topic ,but i just wanted to share it with you.

as you will probably know,i went out last night with my gun and new lamp for the first time in about a year,and i got 1 rabbit and i was really chuffed,so decided to try my luck again tonight,and my aim was to enjoy it.

i was practicing walking slow as heck! and keeping my face and hands covered i looked over the gate nearest my house and didnt see anything so moved along to another field entrance at the oposite side of my land, i shon the lamp on the field and didnt see anything but from last nights episode i knew a sweet spot where they like to sit so i walked slowly! slowly! along the fence line still trying to not be detected and keep my face and hands out of sight,i moved along the fence line to what i thought was a good spot, i then perched the gun on a fence post steadied my breathing shon the lamp and seen 2 sitters just over the brow at about 45-50 yards,but wasnt positive of a KZ shot so left it and tried to move in! took nearly 10 mins to get 20 yards closer but the wind wasnt in my favour at that angle ,but tryed again and spotted 3 sitters but i still wasnt comfortable! so moved closer and spotted them again and they run but i decided to move in closer to try my luck i leant the gun on a post flicked the lamp on and there he was sitting but then he ran.By this time my hands were like blocks of ice as the wind is like a hurrican out there and its around -7 according to the car temp guage. I must say tonight was just as if not more rewarding than last night,knowing that ive learned something and now got a great idea of where the bugs like to go ,sit ,and their escape routes ,it really is surprising how much you learn by hands on experience and getting out there!


i do hope you enjoyed my little write up and thank you for taking the time to read!

cheers all,


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Well done Brad,


I know what you mean about the temperatures, spent this afternoon in about zero degrees zeroing our guns in to 30 yards, makes aiming hell doesn't it? At least you know bugs escape route and can approach along that in future (allowing for wind). Going to have the first look at our permission tomorrow, figuring out where to put the shooting hide (pop up camo tent from Argos, currently knocking those out at £24.99 by the way), so we have the routes covered.


Will look for runs and burrows, put it up so we are sheltered by the hedges and can get a good line of sight, then next week will go in one afternoon and wait through dusk for the bugs. Hopefully will be able to put up some shots of some kills (first time in 23 years so bear with me on this lol). Last time I was shooting I was hiding under a beach house (not hut) as rabbits were coming out from under the other houses, their burrows were causing the supports to collapse!


Got paid a per tail bonus on those!


Edited due to the fact I mistook 8 for 9!

Edited by secretagentmole
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You have hit the nail right on the head there Brad.


You are doing it exactly the right way and getting out there and gaining experience.


Do you know anyone who can go with you with a little more experience than you and teach you pal.


That’s a real quick way of gaining lots of experience quickly.


Well done on the post buddy.


Keep up the good work.



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yes i need some shooting gloves! will post a thread soon, all the best with the hide mate! and i wish you and your wife luck with the bugs! i think i may have a crack at a hide setup tomorow after work! ,know i know the general escape route i have a decent chance :boogie:

cheers for the comment mate,


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thank you for the encouragement si! its not all about the kills now . I dont really know anyone whos half decent who has experience mate unfortunately. But i do have a few shoots on different permissions with aaronpigeonplucker :thumbs: i think we maybe out this sunday on a possible alotment permission clearing bugs which should be great fun. im also going to recce my permission and ive got flyers to be printed very soon and will put them up in local farm shops etc as thats how aaron got the alotment permission :boogie:

thanks for the comment and help you have given me mate!


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Brad, something that might be more use is a fisherman's pocket warmer. Mine is made by Shakespeare tackle, basically it is a long stick of charcoal in a box that you keep in a pocket and hold it in your hands when they get too damned cold. If the gloves restrict your feel could be worth looking at, the other thing could be neoprene sailing/fishing gloves, these things allow you to peel the thumb and trigger finger back to the second joint on the finger. This way you still get coverage of the hand, but when it come to taking the shot, peel the finger back like a banana and then take aim!

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Nice one brad, getting out there is the best way to learn, great write up buddy its not all about bagging up, im like you happy to be out and a couple in the bag is a bonus, its the days you dont bag up that realy make you appreciate the days you do in my experiance :thumbs:


.atb. .ste.


Keep up the good posts pal :thumbs:


Sp for knowing when not to take the risky shot, thats a good way to go about shooting and shows you are a responsible lad.

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Nice write up Brad, well done on not letting a shot off when you were not sure of a kill, and for looking after the Rabbits welfare. Sounds like you had some good practice at stalking, and deffo get a pair of gloves. I myself am just learning, but have found the guys on here brilliant to ask for advice, Si, Davyt63, Sweeney-Todd ect ect. One thing for sure I respect your endevours, and for a brilliant write up SPA. :thumbs:


Whilst I am on here can anybody advise me how to put a photo on here, I have tried many times but cant upload the bloody thing.





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nice write up brad, and well done for being a responsible hunter mate-theres plenty out there who'd have gone for thje long range shots and not have given a toss to the consequences.


as to gloves, i found that a pair of cheap green gardening gloves(the eklasticky cotton ones with rubber dots over the palms and fingers) with finger and thumb cut off or just a slit cut in so you can feel the trigger and refill magazines will do if youre too skint to pay for expensive shooting gloves mate. i got 2 pairs for a quid at my local market!! something to tide you over with til your birthday/next christmas maybe!!


cheers, wurz

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