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net making

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Cheers for the replies guys. Just started my first net last night with a kit from bridport. I will look into the costs of spools of paracord. The YouTube vids were really useful.


Any one on here ferreting in the Kent area? I will be looking to buy some jills soon.

Drop me a pm.


All the best and thanks for all your help.



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Hi all, just though I would let you know how my first foray into knitting my own purse nets. So I got the hemp kit from bridport. The instructions were a bit vague and I found them hard to understand, but in there defense it is pretty hard to illustrate, something fiddley on one sheet of A4. YouTube to the rescue. So on a YouTube vid, it told me to make the net 15 meshes wide and 18 meshes long. I must have screwed up cause my net, used 3 needlefuls of hemp and is about 6 feet long.....Haha. I just started watching the telly and kept going till it was 15 x 18. I also found it quite hard to get the knots to lock. The YouTube vid told me I only needed one knot for hemp and a double knot for nylon. Well I have double noted this hemp cause it seemed hard to get the lock.

Any advise on your favoured knots would be great. I will post a pic of my giant net tomorrow to give you experienced lads a cheap laugh.;-)


All The best,



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Hi all, just though I would let you know how my first foray into knitting my own purse nets. So I got the hemp kit from bridport. The instructions were a bit vague and I found them hard to understand, but in there defense it is pretty hard to illustrate, something fiddley on one sheet of A4. YouTube to the rescue. So on a YouTube vid, it told me to make the net 15 meshes wide and 18 meshes long. I must have screwed up cause my net, used 3 needlefuls of hemp and is about 6 feet long.....Haha. I just started watching the telly and kept going till it was 15 x 18. I also found it quite hard to get the knots to lock. The YouTube vid told me I only needed one knot for hemp and a double knot for nylon. Well I have double noted this hemp cause it seemed hard to get the lock.

Any advise on your favoured knots would be great. I will post a pic of my giant net tomorrow to give you experienced lads a cheap laugh.;-)


All The best,



It takes practice when i first started making nets the air was blue with f*ck its but keep at it mate you will get there

I have a couple of net making dvds that i got in a job lot of gear a bought you are more than welcome to them if you want them send me a pm

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