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bullx just 4 fox

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write lads sat home bored just been reeding few topics on here from the past about all round lurcher and the amount of people sayinging bullx are only good 4 1 thing foxing preban of course so was just wonder who out there keep there bullx or any other lurcher just 4 foxing :thumbs:

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i think its best 2 start all working dogs on rabbits ,bullx ,deerhound,collie all breed of lurcher should be brought on like this in my opion,bullx their prey varios and it also keeps them fit and its all well time spent in the field

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I personally would never keep a dog just for fox. I think a dog has to be able to take a variety of quarry and rabbits make up the majority for me. Saying that some nights i would go out just for a fox or two and wouldn't run a rabbit. But i think a dog that is run at rabbits regularly will be more the sharper on the run and turn than a dog that is just run solely on foxes. Which can only increase your catch rate on charlie as he is not that easy to catch as is made out to be.

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wel i no lads that there go all night just looking 4 fox and they say if they chase anything elese if they do come across 1 there dogs are f****d :thumbs:

spot on thats why i wait till the end of the nite plus he eats the rabbit on the spot where he catches it but is very rare not to get a run or two on fox over here hes a handy tool for drawing the fox out at the end of digs as well

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wel i no lads that there go all night just looking 4 fox and they say if they chase anything elese if they do come across 1 there dogs are f****d :thumbs:



true mate, 6-9 runs on rabbits will take the edge of your dog if you do bump into a fox (pre ban). Not saying it wont catch, but i have found if you were after foxes you want the dog 100% ready. Ive done it my self years ago, and it does make a differnce. If you got one quarry in mind start on it, if not then just enjoy the dog having a good few runs+keeping fit :thumbs:

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bulldog as you well know my bullcross is kept mainly for anything that bites back but start of season will run him on rabbits just to get him sharp theres rabbit men then theres fox men and i know which cat i fall under as you well know so when ya coming over so we can show ya how its done :thumbs:

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I always found the first run or two of a night the dogs are never as sharp as the next few, almost as if their just warming up?

I'd of had a quiet night if I had only gone out for fox round here. You'd be lucky to get one good run a week. Even slipped on everything we saw, you would of still only got maybe 10 runs.

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