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Hello All,


Use AA field Diablo on my HW100S and Falcon FN19, both .22. I wash and lube them and both rifles shoot well on them, good groupings and consitent. Only throw really deformed ones away all others shoot the same!!


Use napier lube.




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phantom i use bisley mags .177 and it dont matter how close i am.....if i shoot a rabbit in the head its going down

no ifs nor but...its a gonna


I hear what your saying 8 :yes: and most of us know your a very competant shooter as well :yes:


But if the shot placement aint perfect to decimate the brain or spinal column it's likely to make a dash for it.

For example the pellet hits lower in the head or through the eyes, its gonna seriousley wound the creature and it's not going to be a one shot stop.

Where as a lighter/softer pellet is likely to transfere more KE to the Central Nervous System and that shock to the system is much more likely to shut the CNS down than a pellet that goes straight through and tranferes little shock to the CNS.

This is why if you hit a rat anywhere on its body with a .38 steel ball from a catty the rat is going to be dead before it makes 5 feet.



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Yes Mole they are very good pellets for hitting rats and vermin at short to medium range.


They do work in some barrels at longer ranges but are designed for close range vermin work more and seem to open up after 30 yards to a wider group.



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OK Si,


I zeroed to 30 yards on these on the range and they were repeating to about an inch group at that distance. I don't know if that is good but I don't think it is so bad, hang on the lottery is up so might get that 100 that I wished I could have...


edited Bu99er so much for the Millionaire raffle.

Edited by secretagentmole
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