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Advanced Airgun Hunting , a surprise gift

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Advanced Airgun Hunting



Interested in Airguns? This is the book for you. Unlike all other books on this subject Darcy breaks down the barriers with detailed accounts of taking a huge array of quarry with a variety of airguns. From grouse to geese and from rats to rabbits, all quarry is discussed and methods elaborated upon. There are scores of good photos to illustrate the stories and this book is worth buying for the pictures alone. Silhouetting and night shooting is dissected in great detail, giving the reader an insight into how to get the best bags in what conditions, never before mentioned in an airgun book. We must state now that this is not a book filled with recipies and equipment, rather a good, down to earth read about a hunters life in the field with airguns. Surely a great present for all those that have got everything


Thats the brief from the website . Sounded ok , i thought . I had recieved a copy , a signed copy i mght add :thumbs: ,from a friend who i`de tried to help out with a couple of things , although the help did`nt really help as much as it was intended to , i was indeed gratefull of the thoughtful gift .


I can be a bit of a book worm , when the mood takes me , and as its `my prefered subject ` i guessed it would be ok for a read through . I was expecting the usual-


1. Introduction

2. Rifle Preparation

3. Scope Mounting

4. Mount Height and Cheek Piece fit

5. Centering the Adjustment Turrets



and so on , with a few paragraph`s on quarry and a small section on hunting , as is the norm with the multitude of airgunning books out there . I was surprised to say the least . This book took me straight to the start of a young boys excitement , being out with his pride and joy , and i could relate to it straight away . Before i knew it i was half way through , with JD giving an honest opinion of the rifles he used and his thoughts on them . The quarry he took and the amounts he took as he leaf`s back through his diary . I must say it is a breath of fresh air to get a book that gives me all the things that the others seem to be lacking . Im about 2/3rds of the way through and ive had it less than 24 hours . For me , its a great read , and a book i`ll be comming back to . Worth a read for any budding air gunner , easily up there with the likes of J Darlings books . So , if you fancy a decent airgunning book , get in touch and get a copy , well worth it .





Thanks JD , a great read and a good insight into the world of airgun hunting .


Buster .

Edited by Buster321c
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well craig my friend

post it up in june when you've done and i'll post it back in july, fully read i might ad,

but i do think its a ginger thing between you two tongue2.gif

joking apart,

seems a good book pal,

fairplay darcey, and i think buster knows a bit also thumbs.gif

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i got bought it last christmas by my erstwhile apprentice, and i'm in total agreement with buster- its a cracking good read, full of great stories, hints and tips from a guy who definitely knows his onions. and such a breath of fresh air to just be reading about hunting with no sneaky advertising and how to set your rifle up section.

i got matt manning's one for my birthday this year, and it just doesnt begin to compete, to be honest...


cheers, wurz

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