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ferret finder

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im looking at getting a ferretfinder but am a bit confused ive been looking on ebay and noticed the mark 3 deben ones going for around £130 new about £90 or less secondhand but i bid on a old version the grey box one it started of about £40 and then went on to sell for £190 this was a locator and one collar.Is it that the old ones are better or are there a few muppetts out there bidding to high.Thanks for any help.

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Im no expert at these, but the way I see it is this,


the mk1 as an older model worked very much like a metal detector, picking up the signal from the collar(either 8ft or 15ft) then it has a simple wheel control with depth's marked and on turning down, gives you a read out of depth of ferret, very simple design, simple to use, and simply made thus less bits to go wrong


now I only know what Ive read on the mk3, but it seems it has 2 switch setters, the first a search/locate mode, then a depth mode, this seems to me, to be the bit causing most confussion with people using the wrong mode and getting false readings


as stated earlier the mk1 fetches high prices, but if you look, you can find bargains on e bay, my word of advice would be, dont put a bid in untill the last 22 seconds,

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Im no expert at these, but the way I see it is this,


the mk1 as an older model worked very much like a metal detector, picking up the signal from the collar(either 8ft or 15ft) then it has a simple wheel control with depth's marked and on turning down, gives you a read out of depth of ferret, very simple design, simple to use, and simply made thus less bits to go wrong


now I only know what Ive read on the mk3, but it seems it has 2 switch setters, the first a search/locate mode, then a depth mode, this seems to me, to be the bit causing most confussion with people using the wrong mode and getting false readings


as stated earlier the mk1 fetches high prices, but if you look, you can find bargains on e bay, my word of advice would be, dont put a bid in untill the last 22 seconds,

thanks for the help guys ,i gave up the bidding at £90 ,i use a programe called sniper it chucks a bid in at the very last second .

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Never had the old MK 1, but have the new MK 3 now.

I find it Ok, it is allways spot on above the ferret, but a foot or to out in depth sometimes. :blink:


As things go, id say the MK 1 is on its way out and to pay silly money now, would not make sense. :no:


At least with the new Mk 3, you have a garantee, if anything goes rong. ;)



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I have changed lately from the mk1 to the mk3 and there is a vast difference,the mk3 in my opinion is far superior.Mind you it took me 2 weeks to get the hang of it,now I can find the ferret down to a few inches.

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i have used the mk1 for years went through about 3 of them things always going wrong with em they were not built for hard use end of story the new mk3 are top class pin point the ferret every time i gave away my old mk1 to a guy for free mk3 is the way to go.............

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