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Want to start ferreting...

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Hello all...


I have been seriously considering getting a couple of ferrets (to work), and wondered BEFORE I get any which would be the best steps to take...


i) trawl through as many posts on here as I can before my eyes fall out?


ii) find someone locally who can show me the 'Whys & Wherefores',


iii) read as many 'good books' as recommended by those in the know, or


iv) All Of The Above?


Really don't want to go into keeping/working ferrets 'blind' so to speak, so any/all advice given will be gratefully appreciated.


Thanks in advance...


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tag along with the best in your area learning on the job is best , then just have a look into keeping ferrets ,get hutch , water bottle and bedding etc before you get ferrets then when you think your ready get your own kit thats what id do ,post up for a tag along in your area and make sure it is what you want to do before you spend money out and end up with unwanted ferrets not saying that will happen to you but happens alot i find

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firstly if you can try and go along with someone ferreting a few times, get your self some permishon to go on, a ferret or two and some perse nets, alot of people will use a marking dog some dont, i use a lakey russell works well for me others use lurtchers and terriers ect..., i would also advise getting a locator to!

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  On 26/01/2011 at 15:17, Capt Boo said:

Hello all...


I have been seriously considering getting a couple of ferrets (to work), and wondered BEFORE I get any which would be the best steps to take...


i) trawl through as many posts on here as I can before my eyes fall out?


ii) find someone locally who can show me the 'Whys & Wherefores',


iii) read as many 'good books' as recommended by those in the know, or


iv) All Of The Above?


Really don't want to go into keeping/working ferrets 'blind' so to speak, so any/all advice given will be gratefully appreciated.


Thanks in advance...


the best advise i can give is to go with somebody so you can see for your self then you can decide for your self all the best with it all mate i really hope u enjoy it because its a really good sport to get in to mate

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  On 26/01/2011 at 15:17, Capt Boo said:

Hello all...


I have been seriously considering getting a couple of ferrets (to work), and wondered BEFORE I get any which would be the best steps to take...


i) trawl through as many posts on here as I can before my eyes fall out?


ii) find someone locally who can show me the 'Whys & Wherefores',


iii) read as many 'good books' as recommended by those in the know, or


iv) All Of The Above?


Really don't want to go into keeping/working ferrets 'blind' so to speak, so any/all advice given will be gratefully appreciated.


Thanks in advance...


do all of the above mate

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Hi I started out by reading all I could about ferrets and talking to people at the ferret stands at game fairs :unsure: . Then I built a hutch and fitted it out with all the other little bits (water bottle,bedding,dish ect)Then one day I came home with two kits one hob and a jill. :yahoo:

Then before I new what had hit me my jill was having kits of her own :censored: (so make sure you do not go into it blind)

When they were about a year old I got a set of locators, nets, a spade and most important some land to ferret on.

I new no-one else who ferreted (and still don't) so off to the farm I went, found some sets netted them up and entered my ferrets :shok: (into the set that is) :haha:

And to be honest the ferrets did what comes natural,I never force them into the holes and always praise them when they work regardless of if they bolt rabbits or not. :clapping:

You need to be prepared to clean out your ferrets at least every other day regardless of the weather and how tired you are :unsure:

Ferrets can live for a long long time so you need to make sure you want them :unsure:

I get rabbits and for all I no I may be doing it all wrong, but the point is I enjoy what I do and my ferrets seem to love bolting me rabbits. :toast:

Go with someone if you get the chance but its not hard to teach yourself the basics. :alcoholic:

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do all and especially go with someone if you can and ask lots of questions,i've been at it for twenty years and started by goin with experienced people and now am one!doing it is the best way to learn and understand what's what,there are tips and tricks people will show you that otherwise you might never learn,like locating your ferret quickly,digging down to them safely etc...

Edited by web22
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when u get your ferrets ask somone if you can work your ferrets with there ferrets and plus u will get some expereance under your belt. i learnt by getting my first 2 ferrets and going out by my self and once your ferrets get the hang bolting the rabbit u will be right

Edited by ozhunter
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