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Training my ESS

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hi there, ive got a 6 month old male ESS. He's a lovely dog and very alert but im having trouble with a few things... firstly, i can get him to sit down but it will only be for literally 2 seconds. He gets up staight away before i have even managed to praise him. Also, if i take him for a walk, i like to let him off the lead for exercise. up until now he has been as good as gold and trotted along by my side but in the last couple of weeks he has started getting on the scent of rabbits and runs off, i call him as i usually would be he has stopped listening to me as much, he does eventually come back but i know i have got to nip this in the bud a.s.a.p. any advice would be kindly appreciated. thanks.

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hi there, ive got a 6 month old male ESS. He's a lovely dog and very alert but im having trouble with a few things... firstly, i can get him to sit down but it will only be for literally 2 seconds. He gets up staight away before i have even managed to praise him. Also, if i take him for a walk, i like to let him off the lead for exercise. up until now he has been as good as gold and trotted along by my side but in the last couple of weeks he has started getting on the scent of rabbits and runs off, i call him as i usually would be he has stopped listening to me as much, he does eventually come back but i know i have got to nip this in the bud a.s.a.p. any advice would be kindly appreciated. thanks.


The first thing you have to do is take him away from temptation and back to basics. I would suggest that you take him to a place that is just tarmac or concrete and get him walking to heel, sitting on the lead etc. From there try keeping to heel off the lead and walking him so he stays close. If he wanders give him a short blast on the whistle and let him know you want him to heel.From there get him sitting up somewhere where he cannot get away ie. An alley way. Get him sat up and if he moves give him a single blast of the whistle and sit him back up...eventually he will get the idea. One of the most important things for a dog in the field is to be able to react to the stop whistle. It can quite literally save the dogs life and a continuation of making the dog sit to the whistle is getting him to stop and sit in the field at distance. Everytime you ask him to sit blow the whistle once. After a while he will get the idea.It is going to take time but my guess is that you have encouraged him into bushes to hunt or not stopped him hunting when he has started. All the best

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i have the same problem with my ess (only with the walking to heel part) he will walk to heel fine when hes on the lead but when i let him of he just runs around like an idiot :L he recalls fine though but i was just wondering will letting him run around like that affect him walking to heel?


Its all goes back to what i have said before about installing the basics in the dog to start with before moving on to hunting and flushing or even retrieving. Although you pup is still young and not allowing him time to be a pup would be wrong. being a bit stricter with it now will pay dividends in the future. When he runs off like that, recall him and get him to sit up and wait until you send him off. If he wont sit put him back on the lead and walk on a little further and then repeat the exercise. Hopefully after a short time he will get the message.

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