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Hi lads,went back down to sportsman gun center after school today to change the scope i got. went in and met the bloke ,told him i wanted one with mildots and he gave me a straight swap no reciepts looked at or anything :) couldnt of asked for better service down there and would highly reccomend them,also have alot alot of guns and camo gear etc there .Im now the owner of a nikko stirling 3-9x40 mountmaster mildot scope, fairplay its cracking quality for the money (60 quid,but had it for 50) crystal clear and feels nice,also alot of settings.Heres a pic of it mounted.


hopefully zero it at 25meters tomorow :) .

one question though,what does the front ring adjust ? it has a few markings on it as in 50ft 25,300,etc but some markings are yards and some are also meters i think .

as i said ,cracking quality and excellent service :) so very happy .

ps.not sure whether any of you seen the news tonight about shot gun certificates and FAC licenses to young lads,but where they were filming was sportman gun center haha the bloke that served me was also the bloke on the news :)

cheers brad.

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The front ring is what is known as an Adjustable Objective lens.


Its use it to help eliminate paralax error and also can be used for rangefinding.


If your looking through the scope and your set up at say 20meters, but your target was at 50meters, the target would be fuzzy/blurred.

Turn the ring one way or the other to bring it into focus and when its in focus, the number on the ring tells you how far away it is :D


You would be better making your own range marks on it though as its probably not 100% accurate. Have a search through Si's (Zini) posts. He gives clear detailed instructions on how to do it :thumbs:



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thanks andy :D had a ten minute zero before it got dark this afternoon, this group is 3 ,10 shot magazines in.this is the third magazine at 25 meters its rougle a 1.5 inch grouping with 1 flyer but all hitting slightly right . Sure a little tweaking tomorow afternoon will sort that out though :yes:


this was using my new tin of webley accupells which i must say are shooting great. going to clean them and re lead the barrell tomorow.


PS. big thanks to davy for swapping me some aa fields , also quick postage so thank you mate,will give them a try when i have an hour spare :)



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