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me beeing the softie i am, ive just rescued this puppy from beeing put down and offerd to find her a nice new home. shes a very nice bitch, full of energy and happy...not very shy at all! the boy wasnt feeding her right and she now has a slight bow in front leg as you can see in the picture...that SHOULD straighten with time and decent diet...ive just been pumping good food into her as she was under weight when she arrived.. so id say shed make a good pet, but who knows? the leg might perk up in time and be able to work fine?


well lads, the bitch is here for collection, i want a good home for her...i dont want her going to no peddler...she must be going to a home where she can be loved and stay there!!


message me or contact me via text or phone call, my number is, 07527937364 :thumbs:




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wtf? how can u say that [bANNED TEXT] ive taken this puppy in, get off my topic u disrespectful cow!!

acouple? lol lasttime i drove to wales it was like a 6 hour drive and i swore ide never do it again lol plus my car wouldent make it.


deliver her and ill give her a great home!


all the best mate, i hope she gets a well deserved good home.

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