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A good deed done...

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Ok, where to start... Well we got some new neighbours about 6 months back, a good family, who moved out of the city just like myself. Been thinking about getting a dog since they moved in and seem to have taken a shine to mine and asking all things lurcher. That'll do me, as i'd rather see a running dog next door and i'm sure young Dan (16yr old son) will get out with it.


On the QT i'd had my eye out for a pup for 'em but nothing came up.


Last Thursday Stoateyes phoned to ask if anyone was looking for a lurcher pup? I might be, whats the tale...


Well the script is, he hears of a litter of pups for sale, askes about their breeding to be told they are out of a pure bred bull bitch to a Saluki cross dog... Interesting, he thinks? Probe's a bit more and both sire and dam are not to be sniffed at and are very well bred....

Ok, good stuff, his younger brother just happens to have a spare kennel and is looking for a pup so, they are in the car to get one. Well Stoatey is a craftey 'ol so an so and things just ain't feelin right, he knows most of the dog lads in the area but not this boy and the address is in the deepest darkest area of the city.


The address finds them at one of them big old town houses, delapidated, with no obvious signs of anyone living there and the lad leads them inside. He's told the bitch and pups are in the cellar and the door is opened to let 'em down.


Stoaty told me it only took two steps in before he had to cover his face, the stench of ammonia hit him like a sledge hammer, he said he's never smelt anything like it, made his eyes stream! Somewhere down there where a poor bitch and her pups, never seeing light and never cleaned out!

When he got to the bottom he was met by a mass of little wriggelers but the stench prevented him from wanting to reach down and grab one, a mixture of not knowing where to put his hand and not wanting to let go of his top that was pulled right up over his nose!!

Through the light that was coming down the stairs, they spied one likely lookin pup and Stoatys bro made a grab for it... 'Grab a feckin nother lad', Stoaty told his brother, who was now already caked in shite, 'if I can save one more from this mess, I will'!

So one more was grabbed and they fled up the stairs to fresh air.


Now 'the old Stoats' no mug, thats for sure, but he paid the lad for both pups and told the lad in no uncertain terms what was coming if he didn't sort that litter out. He told me that the lad deserved far more but he was so shocked at what he seen he just wanted to get the feck out, fast!!


He made a few call's after, said he had to sort them dogs out... He did, and now all have new, good homes..!!


You'd think a tale like this had come strait from Victorian times, not 2011 but it did and its a very sad world we live in..!!!


Which brings me back to the start, my neighbour John (or rather his son Dan) is now the proud owner of Bodger, a very bonny little lurcher pup.

Stoateyes wanted no money for the pup, he just was pleased to see it go to a good home in the country. All cleaned up and shining like a new pin, Stoaty got him right before passing him on. He knows he's going to a good home but gave young Dan the full lecture about looking after the pup before letting it go. I'd like to own him myself but he's just next door.


So well done Stoateyes (Stoatarse to his friends!), I told you i'd write it..!! And no doubt we'll see him run anyways.... :thumbs:


I'll get some pics up soon.



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Ok, where to start... Well we got some new neighbours about 6 months back, a good family, who moved out of the city just like myself. Been thinking about getting a dog since they moved in and seem to have taken a shine to mine and asking all things lurcher. That'll do me, as i'd rather see a running dog next door and i'm sure young Dan (16yr old son) will get out with it.


On the QT i'd had my eye out for a pup for 'em but nothing came up.


Last Thursday Stoateyes phoned to ask if anyone was looking for a lurcher pup? I might be, whats the tale...


Well the script is, he hears of a litter of pups for sale, askes about their breeding to be told they are out of a pure bred bull bitch to a Saluki cross dog... Interesting, he thinks? Probe's a bit more and both sire and dam are not to be sniffed at and are very well bred....

Ok, good stuff, his younger brother just happens to have a spare kennel and is looking for a pup so, they are in the car to get one. Well Stoatey is a craftey 'ol so an so and things just ain't feelin right, he knows most of the dog lads in the area but not this boy and the address is in the deepest darkest area of the city.


The address finds them at one of them big old town houses, delapidated, with no obvious signs of anyone living there and the lad leads them inside. He's told the bitch and pups are in the cellar and the door is opened to let 'em down.


Stoaty told me it only took two steps in before he had to cover his face, the stench of ammonia hit him like a sledge hammer, he said he's never smelt anything like it, made his eyes stream! Somewhere down there where a poor bitch and her pups, never seeing light and never cleaned out!

When he got to the bottom he was met by a mass of little wriggelers but the stench prevented him from wanting to reach down and grab one, a mixture of not knowing where to put his hand and not wanting to let go of his top that was pulled right up over his nose!!

Through the light that was coming down the stairs, they spied one likely lookin pup and Stoatys bro made a grab for it... 'Grab a feckin nother lad', Stoaty told his brother, who was now already caked in shite, 'if I can save one more from this mess, I will'!

So one more was grabbed and they fled up the stairs to fresh air.


Now 'the old Stoats' no mug, thats for sure, but he paid the lad for both pups and told the lad in no uncertain terms what was coming if he didn't sort that litter out. He told me that the lad deserved far more but he was so shocked at what he seen he just wanted to get the feck out, fast!!


He made a few call's after, said he had to sort them dogs out... He did, and now all have new, good homes..!!


You'd think a tale like this had come strait from Victorian times, not 2011 but it did and its a very sad world we live in..!!!


Which brings me back to the start, my neighbour John (or rather his son Dan) is now the proud owner of Bodger, a very bonny little lurcher pup.

Stoateyes wanted no money for the pup, he just was pleased to see it go to a good home in the country. All cleaned up and shining like a new pin, Stoaty got him right before passing him on. He knows he's going to a good home but gave young Dan the full lecture about looking after the pup before letting it go. I'd like to own him myself but he's just next door.


So well done Stoateyes (Stoatarse to his friends!), I told you i'd write it..!! And no doubt we'll see him run anyways.... :thumbs:


I'll get some pics up soon.



nice one stoatarse :thumbs: there was some bullx's pups dumped on our local news in sheffield last week :icon_redface:

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Well done stoateyes, disgrace how some litters are reared and also they show no shame......

I hope bodger does well,I know the kid with the other one he's called it fritzl so when people ask why,he can tell them he named it after that c**t with the babies in the cellar haha he a good dog kid,he'll look after it he'll let people know it's wrong to breed lurchers for the hell of it,he shoulda been, well I'm not gonna say,we all know. :gunsmilie:

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well done fior him :thumbs:

still it never fails to amaze me,when you hear these stories that the c**ts have no shame.that they would quite happily bring people to see pups,knowing the conditions are appalling.c**ts were prob brought up themselfs like that,and accept it as the norm.

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Ok, where to start... Well we got some new neighbours about 6 months back, a good family, who moved out of the city just like myself. Been thinking about getting a dog since they moved in and seem to have taken a shine to mine and asking all things lurcher. That'll do me, as i'd rather see a running dog next door and i'm sure young Dan (16yr old son) will get out with it.


On the QT i'd had my eye out for a pup for 'em but nothing came up.


Last Thursday Stoateyes phoned to ask if anyone was looking for a lurcher pup? I might be, whats the tale...


Well the script is, he hears of a litter of pups for sale, askes about their breeding to be told they are out of a pure bred bull bitch to a Saluki cross dog... Interesting, he thinks? Probe's a bit more and both sire and dam are not to be sniffed at and are very well bred....

Ok, good stuff, his younger brother just happens to have a spare kennel and is looking for a pup so, they are in the car to get one. Well Stoatey is a craftey 'ol so an so and things just ain't feelin right, he knows most of the dog lads in the area but not this boy and the address is in the deepest darkest area of the city.


The address finds them at one of them big old town houses, delapidated, with no obvious signs of anyone living there and the lad leads them inside. He's told the bitch and pups are in the cellar and the door is opened to let 'em down.


Stoaty told me it only took two steps in before he had to cover his face, the stench of ammonia hit him like a sledge hammer, he said he's never smelt anything like it, made his eyes stream! Somewhere down there where a poor bitch and her pups, never seeing light and never cleaned out!

When he got to the bottom he was met by a mass of little wriggelers but the stench prevented him from wanting to reach down and grab one, a mixture of not knowing where to put his hand and not wanting to let go of his top that was pulled right up over his nose!!

Through the light that was coming down the stairs, they spied one likely lookin pup and Stoatys bro made a grab for it... 'Grab a feckin nother lad', Stoaty told his brother, who was now already caked in shite, 'if I can save one more from this mess, I will'!

So one more was grabbed and they fled up the stairs to fresh air.


Now 'the old Stoats' no mug, thats for sure, but he paid the lad for both pups and told the lad in no uncertain terms what was coming if he didn't sort that litter out. He told me that the lad deserved far more but he was so shocked at what he seen he just wanted to get the feck out, fast!!


He made a few call's after, said he had to sort them dogs out... He did, and now all have new, good homes..!!


You'd think a tale like this had come strait from Victorian times, not 2011 but it did and its a very sad world we live in..!!!


Which brings me back to the start, my neighbour John (or rather his son Dan) is now the proud owner of Bodger, a very bonny little lurcher pup.

Stoateyes wanted no money for the pup, he just was pleased to see it go to a good home in the country. All cleaned up and shining like a new pin, Stoaty got him right before passing him on. He knows he's going to a good home but gave young Dan the full lecture about looking after the pup before letting it go. I'd like to own him myself but he's just next door.


So well done Stoateyes (Stoatarse to his friends!), I told you i'd write it..!! And no doubt we'll see him run anyways.... :thumbs:


I'll get some pics up soon.




Great story, and a great ending, welldone. :thumbs:

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Well done stoateyes, disgrace how some litters are reared and also they show no shame......

I hope bodger does well,I know the kid with the other one he's called it fritzl so when people ask why,he can tell them he named it after that c**t with the babies in the cellar haha he a good dog kid,he'll look after it he'll let people know it's wrong to breed lurchers for the hell of it,he shoulda been, well I'm not gonna say,we all know. :gunsmilie:


Feckin Classic Red Collar, great name!! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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