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bushing border terriers

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my borders are a pain in the arse on deer, they yap like hell on them, they do open up on fox and rabbit, but not as much as the deer, i went out bushing this morning with my border dog and lurcher and ended up digging a hole 3 ft deep to him and a vixen,i lost my knife, the b&f box fell in the hole and old foxymade afew holes in it,borders will bush just like any other terriers, you get good uns and one,s not so good, but most of all they should be dug to,

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Our border is a cracking bushing dog, she'll go through anything to get to anything and wails like a hound on deer, and has an insane ability to push them out of cover right infront of you! :D ................. Will quarter open land with the lurcher to get hares up, and is generally an excellent member of the team. :thumbs:

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my border bitch is also deer mad she crys like a baby when shes chasing them as for rabbits she is like a little ferret running through brambles and she gets her fare share problem is getting the rabbits of her hell of a grip she is also water mad just like a otter she swims in pools full of ice mad mad dog 10/10

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