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banjo minnow lures

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started pike fishing again after a long break (about 11 years) and have pretty much picked up were i left of using spinners and plugs. a mate of mine told me about a type of lure he picked up a few years ago called banjo minnows. looked them up on the internet they are an american lure and i have to say i am really impressed. the footage of them working in the water was superb. decided to order a set and give them a go. i'm just asking to see if many people are using them over here and with what success?

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I have never used these lures before, are they the same ones as the bass men use?


Best pike lure that I have ever used is called a Nilsmaster, murder pike all day long.


i think they are originaly a bass lure although the website had some pictures of big pike taken with them in the us.

Edited by 1979keeper
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Ive used them to great effects mate. Remember to jerk the minnow slowly and give it some slack line. Use a strong but thin line. Ive court plenty of trout on the small minnow and pike on the larger 2 sizes. Here is a pic of my mate with a few trout that we caught on the small minnow here in Germany. Good Look.

Edited by zini
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Ive used them to great effects mate. Remember to jerk the minnow slowly and give it some slack line. Use a strong but thin line. Ive court plenty of trout on the small minnow and pike on the larger 2 sizes. Here is a pic of my mate with a few trout that we caught on the small minnow here in Germany. Good Look.


cheers zini. my mate who first told me about them said he'd originally got them for sea trout with the smaller lures. the set i've ordered is a 158 peice set with a variety of sizes from 3" upwards. i've got access to a few trout waters so maybe i'll give them ago instead of the fly rod. i presume you still use a trace for the larger lures after pike?

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