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a little help please

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hello all im after a bit of advise, im after a pup to bush fur and feather to my lurcher and to the gun, and also to work along side the gun retreving with abit of luck, i would like a cocker but the other half wonts a terrier so i think its got to be a terrier, so what would you get if you was in my situation?

thanks andy.

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i have had 3 cockers over the past 8 yrs and find them very trainable, loyal and hard working. You could say that about most breeds, but to pick one for what you want it for then i would go with cocker every time, but like ideation says, if you havn't trained a dog before then a spanial might not be for you.

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iv train dogs before iv had labs and all sorts of terrier but never a pure lab, i give her a book of breeds and she likes brittany spanials, anyone ever had them? what they like to train ex....

thanks andy.

don't know how easy it would be to get a brittany from working lines, but standing 17-20tts you would be better getting a smaller dog for bushing imo.

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thought about that but finding one around be its like finding rocking hourse shit and the misses dont like them. she was trying to get me to have a german hunting terrier were the fuk would i find one of them? im sure if i take her to look at some cocker pups she will like them anyway. :thumbs:

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