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possible rabbit problem ? lol


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Errrm there may well be a ever so slight rabbit prob in that location lol.....looks like MOD land to me....do you have permission on there?......if so invite me lol

nope not mod land,just a large farm surrounded by woodland.and just 10 minutes from the house to :thumbs:


and i always invite members to join me...just be a hell of a drive for you lol

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Yup!! I think they're may be one or two burrows there, just make sure they can get through that fence.... :whistling::laugh:

lol yer sorted that out but from all the tracks and digs under the fence its gonna be just as busy outside of the compounds :thumbs:

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Hi Ryan,


That really looks like MOD land to me buddy.


Them old sand banks were built around buildings to protect them from blast and hopefully stop glass being blown in if a explosion went off or bomb, or placed around sangers and rifle ranges.


I know them fences very well. In fact very very well and have a bit of experience with shooting on MOD property myself :yes:


Why didnt you film from the inside the fence pal? It would look better than from outside mate.


I look forward to your posts from there buddy.


We should be seeing bags of hundreds from you looking at the state of that banking.





Edited by zini
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I always say what I think, yea it gets me in to trouble, but I can handle it...Im with Si on this, why didnt you film from inside if this is 350 Acres of your permission?, I reckon your just poaching around the perimeter of private property mate, IM always happy to applogise and eat humble pie if Im wrong, as Im also big enough to say sorry, In the meantime it would be great to see pics of you in action on your permissions and not just pics through a wire fence of a 'dream permission'


Plus while Im thinking about it, All the utility companies have a strict protocol on pest control and even more so if its a water tratment works that provides public drinking water,,, In short you need to be a registered company in pest control and would probably had to go through a standard tender for work process against other registered pest control companies, the likes of Rentokil, PHP who seem to have all the big contracts, I know as I have treied to get permissions on Utility company land before, They are not allowed to just let Jo Public wander about shooting and netting stuff!


Just my thoughts though....:) And happy to be humble if Im wrong :)


edit: Bloody hell just looked on your youtube channel! Lots of background pics of blooded messy fluffy animals, nice stuff from a Pro Vermin Control Company :hmm:


edit: utter blks

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I always say what I think, yea it gets me in to trouble, but I can handle it...Im with Si on this, why didnt you film from inside if this is 350 Acres of your permission?, I reckon your just poaching around the perimeter of private property mate, IM always happy to applogise and eat humble pie if Im wrong, as Im also big enough to say sorry, In the meantime it would be great to see pics of you in action on your permissions and not just pics through a wire fence of a 'dream permission'


Plus while Im thinking about it, All the utility companies have a strict protocol on pest control and even more so if its a water tratment works that provides public drinking water,,, In short you need to be a registered company in pest control and would probably had to go through a standard tender for work process against other registered pest control companies, the likes of Rentokil, PHP who seem to have all the big contracts, I know as I have treied to get permissions on Utility company land before, They are not allowed to just let Jo Public wander about shooting and netting stuff!


Just my thoughts though....:) And happy to be humble if Im wrong :)


edit: Bloody hell just looked on your youtube channel! Lots of background pics of blooded messy fluffy animals, nice stuff from a Pro Vermin Control Company :hmm:


edit: utter blks

lol the 350 acher farm is my permission,these 3 units are smack in the middle of his farm and as such they are renting from him,they are also some thing to do with the steelworks at the edge of the farm and the farmer has sorted out me access to these due to the high numbers of rabbits and the damage being done! it was a wee pain as i had to go to a meeting(not my thing) but it helped being ex army and having refferances from the police ect.


zini your right does look like it but im guessing it was protection to keep the steel industry going dueing the war?

last time i shot on mod land was wayyyyyy back in wiltshire,infact im not even sure if its still a camp now as last i heard it was a jounor leaders basic camp? azimghur barracks (god knows if thats speeled right lol )

Edited by ryan666
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