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Countryside March

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Went on all the Countryside Marches,...


Had a serious discussion with the Riot Police...


I felt like crying a wee bit myself... :cry:


Yer Chalks... But that was because you were wearing your Randal & Hopkirk suit... :D



:laugh::laugh: @ Bosun...


Hey,..I THOUGHT they said,." Come down to London for the Disco,...not a feckin Demo " :doh:

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I was there on em .On one march while walking in the shadow of a far better dog-man than I we were approached by a chap with a microphone . My companion knew that whatever he said would be punctuated by F and C words so I was the one that was sacrificially put forward for an interveiw .

Everything went into blank overdrive and to this day I can't remember what I said but apparently the chaps around me approved ...and I did'nt swear .


On another march our group was targetted by a couple of reporters because we'd fabricated a straw effigy of good old Tony B. Last I saw of it was hanging on some railings .

Edited by comanche
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I got squashed against a 7 foot tall nasty copper when they stopped part of the march going into Parliament Square: the b*****d told me to get back, but how could I? With thousands behind me: idiot cops. I took one of my lurchers to the vigil in the Square as well: she loved every moment of it, bless her: never even been in a town before but wasn't phased at all.

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Been to all the Scottish marches from Inverness to the rally in Glasgow and a lot of the Parliamentry sessions in the Scottish Parliament (I had to get permission to miss school). I was also at the Liberty and Livelyhood march and spent the weekend going from function to function we were at the vigil at Parliament square We got invited to the Luddon Valley Bassets hunt dinner, went to Baroness Mallieus coctail party then the dance at the arches then up early to get the Scottish working Dog Association banner up at Hyde Park corner to welcome the member clubs in as they came to march.What a weekend that was! :icon_eek:

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went on them all and then some got escorted off the motorway for blocking the m4 and got beatr to the floor in london .also made thousands of homemade banners some very explicit ones andplasttrered all over wales.people acctually used to go for a ride in the car to read the new ones that were put up every night through the campaign.what really pissed me off was the ones that didnt go because they couldnt be bothered to get off their ass one actually said i cant go cos ime going ferreting that day . what a shower of shit.but what a experience for the ones that went everyone standing shoulder to shoulder trying to save our way of life .it made the hair on the back of your neck stand up .

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what a experience for the ones that went everyone standing shoulder to shoulder trying to save our way of life .it made the hair on the back of your neck stand up .


Too right Butty,... :laugh:

When we was singing the Welsh Anthem,.and remembering all the great days and nights out hunting, over the years,..I actually thought, just for one brief moment,.that we were going to win the day...

Sadly,..the dice had already been thrown.. :yes:


It was never meant to be a fair fight... :thumbdown:


Feck em,..our life will go on...


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that day we did win if only to show those two faced liars called mps that we would always fight for the right to do what our kind have done for decades and although the ban came in to force i still pssionately beleive that that day in london showed the country that we would not take it lying down or go along with it which in one way has been proved right as there are still hunting in all forms going on so bollocks to blair and his poxy ban.BAN WHAT BAN.

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I was there, went with my local branch of Fell and Moorland which later folded, remember seeing Christopher Biggins stoos at the side supping champagne, at least i think it was Biggens, could of been wag.....

Did you go on shanes bus . I have some pics of the day out will dig them out

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i ran the west wales support van from st.clears to london ,great time will never forget it BUT BUT why did we not bring the m25 to a stop for a few hours ,we were not militant enough , put me off the C.A. for life and i am speaking as a personal frend of the high flyers of the C.A. ps i gave a lot of time before to help organise things but leaves me feeling flat at the out come ,we should have taken a lesson from the french people !!!!

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the best was the second march (first proper march through london)


parliament square was good fun, at the front or in the anti pen, either was uncomfortably good.


did get interviewed to see if i wanted to complain about police brutality, tried to stop them but they came to my house, kept saying no but they were persistent, i never did give a proper statement. the lads that didn't nowt ever happened.

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I was there, went with my local branch of Fell and Moorland which later folded, remember seeing Christopher Biggins stoos at the side supping champagne, at least i think it was Biggens, could of been wag.....

Did you go on shanes bus . I have some pics of the day out will dig them out


Yes mate, i was on the bus with Shane, his brother and old man, be good to see the photos, i was a young lad then lol. Just realised you meant Shane our rep lol, yes his bus too mate, with Colin etc

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