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Considering changing my HMR

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you dont say why you want a change.

I have the Quad too and the trigger was dreadful until I stripped it and tuned it.

much nicer and lighter feel and now a clean break. no creep, wonder if it is just something that needs fettling.


I also have the four barrels.

For the price of a barrel you could have your cake and eat it so to speak.


I like the .17M2 as it is MUCH cheaper than the HMR, doesnt destroy anything inside 100yds and headshot bunnies are actually edible.

this and the HMR are much better on crows than the solids/gamepoints on offer for the .22.


The .22 WMR is also cheap, offers some fairly hefty energy compared to the other in teh .17/22 rimfire.

noisy as hell IMO, so I dont use it very often. I wouldnt purposefully go out to shoot a fax with it and it is a bit too much gun for bunnies IMO.

It is popular in teh US because they have groundhogs, prairie dogs etc that need more of a smack than the .22lr can offer.


short of those options you are looking at a centrefire and much more costs, even if you shoot a lot and reload you are not going to see the saving for some time.


sometimes see quad barrels come up for £80-100. worth trying one even if you decide to sell the rifle with the extra barrel

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huh? I have a HMR, and more or less all the bunnies I shoot are edible, if you head shoot them it's lights out and instant death, there's no damage to the rest of the meat, granted, boby shoot them and you can scoop the insides out like you were carving a pumkin, but headshot rabbits are clean.

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