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Ratting day

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Time you did something with that Swazi as well. Certainly lowered the tone of the whole day having a "gentleman of the road" out with us! Not surprised they didn't want to know you in the farm shop!!

the farm shop is propper lardy dar and they hate me at the best of times let alone when i stink of chicken/cow shit but i reassured one of the posh birds turning her nose up that it was all organic

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four feet ya ballcks that is a proper rat it would fook ya cat maybe even your dog


Didnt fook Ollie though, did it! Did get a good nip in though! I cant believe we didnt manage to get any decent pictures between us, theres nothing for it, we'll just have to go again!


There was no time for pictures, it was nearly a full time job stopping WB from dismanteling the farm buildings. Its a shame about the one i shot that fell behind the wall, it cant have gone far with a .44 lead shot in it!

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what cattys did you boys take???


water badger all joking aside mate, that is a big old rat! what did the pooches make of it??

john boy


Homemade dankung thing with double tubes, the one i lost beating the other week, you can just about see it in the picture. Me and herdwick went back on saturday after beating somewhere else and i found it just where i thought. Yeeharr had one of his transparent ones with the flatbands.


It was a big rat but Ollie killed it no bother, it did manage to get a bite in because my other dog grabbed the arse end of it so he couldnt shake it properly.


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