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Out with the new NV

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Hi guys.....


Well here's another post for you from the adventures of me n wor kid.

Some may have read in another thread that I've been getting myself a new NV unit (review to follow) so we went out on Friday night to get it zeroed and do a bit of ratting at our stables permission.

After a diversion from my usual route to wor kids due to roadworks I arrived, loaded gear into the van and headed off.

35 mins later we hit the plot. Straight into the stables to zero.

After a couple of mags making sure I was on the button the NV was sorted and it was time for the action.

Well..... What action..... withing the hour and half we were there both of us hadnt seen a thing..... no rats or rabbits.

Back to the van for a cuppa and the decision was made to move on. A further 20 mins later we were on our N Yorks permission.

Gear back out, radios checked again and we went our separate ways.

It was a bit colder down there with a full moon and a thick haw frost on the ground with us standing out like a sore thumb and making it sound as though we were a troop of marching soldiers, conditions werent ideal.

So...After walking round what seemed like an age but was only about an hour wor kid came across the radio..."I've only seen 2 mate"..... Lucky him!...I'd only seen 1 myself and couldnt get anywhere near.


That was that for the night.....Home time!



Last night was a bit of a different story....

We decided to hit the local permissions, conditions were just about perfect with a thick cloud covering the full moon, a very slight breeze to carry the sound away until we hit the ground.....

The whole place was like a swamp!

I "plodged" round the small paddocks as quiet as I could( which to be honest wasnt really that quiet.... :whistling: ) and came across my first targets, 3 of them sitting about 50-55m away. I didnt want to chance a long shot as I was totally 100% confident with the new NV unit yet so I began the "very slow" stalk. Each footstep seemed to get louder the closer I go to it, I was hoping the slight breeze was masking the sound.I kept checkfter what seemed like an age I got what I think as close as I'd dare(approx 35-40m). Looking through the NV bugs was still happily munching away the other 2 had disappeared then all of a sudden it sat bolt upright and glared straight at me! Within a second it legged it!

Had I done something wrong?....Did I make a noise??.... Or was it the IR??? ( see thread titled "Can rabbits see IR??")anyway off I went again!


Wor kid came on the radio "How many you got?? I've got 2" "None" I said, "Its like walking through a swamp" The big field out the back was exactly the same!

I got down to the small copse and scanned the treeline when I came across the jewel, it was in focus meaning it was within zero range,into a kneeling position, crosshairs on the sweet spot I took the shot to see it keel over on the spot without a twitch.

I was going to get my prize when intuition hit and told me to scan the ground again..... Sure enough another jewel appeared about 10m to the left of the one that had just fallen. I composed myself again and aimed slightly above as it had moved a little further away from me and the FX pellet hit the mark sending bugs rolling.... Number 2 for me!...Not tempting fate I scanned the area again, nothing this time so I collected my prizes.


Where they fell....




Time for a cuppa.... I radioed wor kid, told him I would see him at the van.

Got back to the van just as the heavens opened, we decided a location change was in order due to the "squelchyness" so a short drive saw us on our coastal permission.

The wind was gusting at 5-10mph, not ideal but manageable!

We had about an hour on here but the wind picked up and the rain hit so it was hometime, wor kid managed one more making the total for the night 5.


End of night pic....




Cheers for reading



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hi ya darryl

you and gary had a good night then matey great read and pictures to pal and to be honest i dont know if they can see the red ????? but when i use a red filter they see that on a low setting so i aint to sure pal :thumbs:


but again fantastic shooting from you both



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A pleasure to read Darryl :yes:


Nice going to you both :clapper:

Sadly if one of my permissions is crap one night, they all are as they are all linked to one another (apart from one which is a couple of hundred yards away from the other three) :lol:


Take care buddy



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Hi Darryl.


Smashing write up mate enjoyed the read.

Congrats on the shooting buddy :thumbs:


How are you finding the new NV in comparreson to your other one?


Spring is on the way buddy, wont be long now, better under foot with a bit of luck.





SP nice post.








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on the way to our coastal permission we got stopped by plod... good evening sir can we look in the back of your van we've had a number of scrap thefts .. so i gave him a look and all was good then the saw the rabbits and asked what we'd been doing pest control i replied thats my job .. can you do anything for moles ..i should get a phone call next week to go look at a job lol ,,,,,it makes a change to come across two plod who were quiet amicable..



atb gary

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  On 23/01/2011 at 16:11, festa said:

on the way to our coastal permission we got stopped by plod... good evening sir can we look in the back of your van we've had a number of scrap thefts .. so i gave him a look and all was good then the saw the rabbits and asked what we'd been doing pest control i replied thats my job .. can you do anything for moles ..i should get a phone call next week to go look at a job lol ,,,,,it makes a change to come across two plod who were quiet amicable..



atb gary


Forgot to mention that bit.....knew I'd left something out!



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