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dropped rabbits

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  On 23/01/2011 at 21:53, whin said:

if a rabbit gets out net well dog has to grab it simple as that and as boys a big buck rabbit is a handfulat times lucky we had the tterier mongrel , back then




if ye were doing yer job properly rabbit wouldnae get oot net, it would be despatched properly


too many people on here forget there old arse :laugh:

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i jog on , [bANNED TEXT] self ,youve obvisly not caut enough to let one slip the net mate or you another comp hunter lol, back in the day they paid a fiver a bagged rabbit a man told me at the track ,on A more serous note dropped rabbbs doesnt make alurcher any better breeding and proper schooling does ,i remeber reading they used to have dropped rabb comps the one who caut the most was the winner more for the little whipps i think ,no need to drop arabbit just look for rabbit netting they soom bounce of it and gives pup achance

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ile sell you a few fiver each got the land your dog can chase until hees enterd lol had a 6 month old pup out today by the end of the day it was watching holes and working up and down the buries becoming a real predator thats how it should be done watching expiernced dogs

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  On 23/01/2011 at 22:02, whin said:

i jog on , [bANNED TEXT] self ,youve obvisly not caut enough to let one slip the net mate or you another comp hunter lol, back in the day they paid a fiver a bagged rabbit a man told me at the track ,on A more serous note dropped rabbbs doesnt make alurcher any better breeding and proper schooling does ,i remeber reading they used to have dropped rabb comps the one who caut the most was the winner more for the little whipps i think ,no need to drop arabbit just look for rabbit netting they soom bounce of it and gives pup achance




you aint got the foggiest idea how may rabbits i have caught, or let slip :laugh:



where did i say i have dropped rabbits, or i belive they make a dog any better????


ill tellye where, i fookin never :laugh:


you honestly belive you the only person on here that hunts :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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  On 23/01/2011 at 22:00, mattyg said:

one major problem here......ive got to catch a f*****g rabbit int he first place before i drop it....lol




if you having that hard a time puttin bunnys infront a yer dog mate, im in north east if ye ever wanna day/night oot :thumbs:

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  On 23/01/2011 at 21:33, stormyboy said:
  On 23/01/2011 at 21:13, Casso said:
  On 23/01/2011 at 20:11, chartpolski said:
  On 23/01/2011 at 19:56, Casso said:

droppers are a throw back from the old greyhound men, whose expensive dogs would never have been allowed course in fear of injury,

why any lurcher owner feels the need for it , i'll never know,

no lurcher needs to get a kill, all it needs is to course and retrieve , thats all ,and when the time is right they all will,

people who use droppers are clueless amatures in my book,,,

the confidence people talk about ,is the dog finally realising he can get to use his drive on something ,which in my book is wrong because the handler should be the focus for his drive first,,


Interesting reply. How should a handler be the focus for a dogs drive ?





the way i see it a pup dont know what he was born to do, but their all born with prey drive and its got to come out and in a lot of cases thats what get the dog into trouble

i focus the pup on me as a way of using his drive from early, play tug , get him crazy bout a ball, all that stuff,,after a while pup will start bring stuff to you to play with

but, this is the thing ,i always let the pup win in tug and never take a ball off him when he retrieves,all that bullshit bout not letting a dog win when playing tug is bullshit, it really increases the bond and makes the pup feel great to be round you ,that way he always wins and sees me as his best bud and an outlet for drive

eventually progress on to a stage where anything the dog catch's is returned to me because that is where most fun is to had,,i would never introduce a pup to something exciting ,

unless he thought the sun shined out of my arse first,,thats all bud no big deal, best of luck,,



Playing tug to teach retrieving? And letting the pup win-interesting...........


been round dogs all my life,and what i found works for me is getting the dog to see you as the focus for its drive,not the ball , not the tug toy , not the rabbit,,they are all just means to an end,,the more you learn bout the mind set of the canine, the easier your relationship will become,,service dogs all over the world including protection dogs work to play tug, the bad guy their chasing with evil intent is to play tug on his sleeve,,my dog retrieves something to me , he knows he gets to play tug with me if he does it right,, not enough folk really understand how drive can be used for any situation ,,best of luck

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  On 23/01/2011 at 22:16, whin said:

any time you fancy a run oot dotty show me how it works with e droppers lol got a few dogs here that like a hunt you maybe show me a trick or to mate always willing to learn from others if they no the game




i think age is affecting your eyesight lol


i said i dont use droppers, but i also dont scorn the folk that do :whistling:



an im up for a nite oot anytime whin, an i mean ANYTIME, as it goes i only got 1 running dog here an she is a pup at 11 month old, but ill show you or anyone else, her do her job, an if she aint very good compared to yours, then so be it............


cos after all, i dont tell lies, an i dont accept shite :laugh:

Edited by DottyDoo
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  On 23/01/2011 at 22:25, DottyDoo said:
  On 23/01/2011 at 22:23, whin said:

moons going back this week dont matte rif shees young aslong as she is fit , i no were there good easy bits for her no need to drop them mate lol



anytime :thumbs:



Looks like the start of a beautiful relationship,,

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