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scared of hens

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  On 22/01/2011 at 23:23, Rothbury Shooter said:

came home from beating today and had a brace of hens, when i came though the door my 19 week old springer wasnt to keen he would come sniff then run under the table :L after a while he would stay and sniff them, is this a bad sign? or just cause hes a pup?


I am no expert mate but he is only a pup I wouldnt worry about it. He wont be scared just unsure what to do with then as he is only young he has plenty of time too learn. What did you expect from him? The pup I got here wont be seeing any cold game until his training is well under way. You got loads of time yet to get him interested in game he is only just over 4 months...


Regards Ben

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@ Doddsy: Interesting view as my DD was pointing and retrieving Bobwhite Quail that I shot over him at 4-1/2 mos, pheas n mallards at 5-1/2 mos. On the way home from the breeder at 11 weeks old I ran him on Ruffed Grouse, Cottontail Rabbits and a Wild Turkey. Maybe I just got lucky, but I ran him on as much game as I could from day 1. Previously to that I had always rescued labs, usually 18 - 24 months old, and always struggled to get their prey drive up. Prey drive is not a problem with DD's!!!


@ Rothbury Shooter: FWIW, I'd watch how you introduce him to game. Don't think you have a problem yet, but the thing about problems is they are way easier to avoid than fix! Keep everything upbeat and no pressure. IMHO, pup that young can do no wrong other than not "hupping" to the whistle, not returning when called or fouling the house.


ATB from this side of the pond!

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As others have said I wouldn't fret mate- pups are funny things and at 19 weeks he's still seeing/smelling so many things for the first time. The running away bit was probably to see if the birds would respond/play with him!


IMO, nothing wrong with letting him have a sniff at this age, but obviously watch closely to make sure he's not eating/ragging the birds!

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  • 2 weeks later...

the dogs still young mate do all the basics first then let him watch a mates dog picking up it will come in the end just be patient.i was lucky my cocker was picking pigeons at 4 months but not all dogs are the same .is rothbury your closest shoot? i could get you a bit beating next year in shotley bridge but we do it for free just to work dogs

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