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gaffing salmon and seatrout

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A barbed spear or a hook with a handle, used by fishermen in securing heavy fish."

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)



In times past not to far back Autumn was a time of secretive trips to pools holding migratory fish like the salmon-trout and salmon,usually late on in the Autumn when there has been rain the water levels rise and this signals the start of the gaff season, a gaff is a pole with a sharp hook on the end that is used to stab a game fish and then lift the salmon or seatrout onto the river bank, Ideally, the hook is placed under the backbone so as to be sure the hook does not pull through.

The fish lay up in pools taking a break or waiting for the levels to heighten again so they can be on thee way to the reds,it isnt uncommon to see many fish laid up in a pool,during the day you can see the ghostly shadows deep in amongst the ranunculus weed.

The common man would see them and know of they're value for both pocket and pot,and often with hungry mouths to feed he would return of an evening to try his luck against both bailiff and fish.




The tools of the salmon poacher were relatively simple ,often a hay hook was enlisted as a tool for gaff making the handle cut off and the hook fixed securely to a stout hazel pole,some time if the fish were close into the bank and within easy reach the hay hook was used as was.




As this passtime was conducted best on harsh wet windy nights ,when few would be out and about ,a lamp was needed.




often a simple carriage lamp or in latter years a pocket torch would do ,some say it attracted the fish but i have never seen this my self,a chap or two would walk up stream on the bank so as not to startle any fish found,once spotted a salmon would be gaffed in the side and hauled upon the bank with one swift heave,the gaff not often being barbed would not keep a fish on itself,once well onto the bank the fish would be shown the priest.A shrewd man would gut the fish there and then discarding roe to the river ,many a man was convicted worse for having killed a hen with roe,still a shrewder man would only gaff a cock-fish.



a telescopic gaff as used by fly fishermen.


As the bailiff's duty was a harsh one sat some times in boggy reed often they would grab a chap in eagerness to get out of the cold as he approached the salmon pool and make their arrest there and then and if the gaff was found upon his person he had no chance of getting free of the charge.many a seasoned poacher would hide his gaff at the water,in the reeds,a hollow ancient willow or suchlike so as not to be caught 'going equipped'.

The risk is high on some waters and on others not so but the rewards were once great a bar of silver often sold to hotels and caterers for a princely sum,and during the war years a salmon worth even more ,i can recall times when a shadowy figure could oft be seen talking in whispers with a head chef at the back of some of Salisbury's finest restaurants,hands shook and cash given.

These days selling fish is a harder affair ,big fines for each poached fish found on a restaurants menu! still where there's a will there's a way,i have heard it said that some chefs may buy one legitimately bought fish and keep the receipt,when questioned they have a piece of paper to wave in-front of the inspector,one chef i knew managed to get over 100 servings from one supermarket salmon.....



a famous gaffer on the Hampshire Avon below Salisbury early 1990's


Whilst the Environment agency would have you believe they are on top of the salmon poaching infact they are not,its as big now as ever and with the current recession many a fish has been taken by needy families up and down the banks of the salmon rivers in the UK,many for the pot fewer for the pocket.Of course the EA will and do jump on the old environmental brigades band wagon but really if they were so worried about the wild stocks of salmon and seatrout they would be tackling the big polluters,nitrate users and water companies abstracting millions of gallons of water a year from the chalk streams for this is where the true culprit of the dwindling stocks reside,if in fact the stocks are dwindling! on one hand we are told that the stocks are low then on the next page the EA are patting themselves on the back for the 'great return' of the salmon in our rivers.




Also what of the coincidence of the boom in the 'cuddly' otter population and the decrease of the fish stocks? I'm sure there's a link there ,more and more the remains of fish are found that have been had by the otters,of course the animal rights idiots love the furry otters and what will happen when an otter cull is needed? they have destroyed all the old otter hound packs,still i am sure that the EA,animal rights ,and rich land owners wont ever stop the torches on the rivers on stormy nights.

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Hi fishfish

That brings back memories i was brought up in mid wales and on many nights me and my mate would me keeping watch for my dad and his mate, they would do the gaffing with a barbed fork on a long pole and a big torch. Me and my mate would be either end of the valley and if we saw a car coming we blew the whistle and the torch would go out till the car had passed.That was on the upper reaches and tributaries of the River Dovey. My old man has been dead a few yrs now, i would give up everything i own for one more night on the river with him again


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and ive seen the mess a big fish makes when it pulls the string on the wrist,cuts real bad! tie the snare to a lnngth of rope or paracord is better.

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