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Pure breed

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I have met a few of these top kc people, felt like i was back at school an the teacher was lookin at me like i had done something wrong ! lol, i have kc parsons myself and have been to a few shows, bu

Real good point there Nick "what will it do for the breed" i have always been led to believe that an out cross was needed every so often to invigorate the blood, how can that happen in a closed breed

well i think just lines they had for dacades but they got mixed some were in past to start them of so now they classed as pure bred because been put bk in to each over over the years correct me if im

well i think just lines they had for dacades but they got mixed some were in past to start them of so now they classed as pure bred because been put bk in to each over over the years correct me if im wrong thats imo and theres better and older people on here who could tell better than me

Edited by earthmover2011
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Guest AngelicAcid

I jumped there mate, yes i think there are pure breeds of dogs, but a lot of terriers are a mix aint they?

As i said im no expert, lets hear what others have to say on this one, sure there will be lots of differing views.

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Would i be right in saying most breeds are of breed type rather than pure breeds ? most breeds seem to have crosses in their background somwhere, my own dogs parson russells by all accounts have white lakeland in their bloodlines quite recently !.

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:hmm: in my own opinion, when its working dogs being discussed i dont think there is such a thing as a pure breed, just best dog to best bitch :good: ...if anything working dogs are just bred to type but alot of mixing goes on to improve this or that, be good to hear everyones opinions on this topic though :thumbs:
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Show people like to stick to pedigrees. They talk about "pure bred" dogs. They say pure bred is what has papers (pedigree) of some (4-5 at least) generations from some serious Club.

Otherwise your dog is not pure bred.




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Just as a matter of interest,the same type of thing goes on a lot in racing pigeons! we had two families of pigeons in our lofts,one so called pure bred family and our own family which consisted of one base bird which we inbred to crossed out inbred to etc, after a few years our own family of birds were throwing up good numbers of steady long distance racers, the so called pure family bred a lot of poor performers but every now and then produced a good one, and these were really good!! would i be right in saying the same thing happens in working/show terriers ? the working terrier being crossed to get workers and the show terrier having a closed gene pool which will get ever more inbred/pure ? can only kc breeds be classed as pure then ?(god forbid!!)

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Good reply,how many generations 10,50,100 ? what do you think ?


for a strain id go 8 generations in my personal opinion


for a breed id prefer 30 generations


although i dont know what is considered the norm.

and im not just talking dogs anything from mice - racehorses where a domesticated species is concerned

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So somone could produce a pure breed in their lifetime ? it would have to be a life times work would it not ? look at plummer he still classed his breed as an unfinished work, he was still trying to correct faults when he died was he not ?


i think it would take say 2 or 3 generations in a family to produce and perfect a breed of your own, then only a couple of generations for the kennel club to f**k it all up! lol


im in the middle of creating my own breed of chicken, havent got half the breeds in the mix that i need yet though! lol, come back to me in 10yrs and i'll hopefully have it starting to take shape lol

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