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Whippets and hares

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Can anyone tell me how good whippets are at taking hares during the day? I live in australia and we are allowed to hunt hares here. Has anyone had experience with whippets and hares in the past (ie before the ban over there) or know anyone that has? I have two male whippet dogs. I posted some pics of them recently. I'm hoping they will pic up some hares during the day or are they only good at taking them while lamping?



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they are a bit young my friend and its not a good idea for a young dog to get behind a hare i believe. I need to wait till they are more experienced and older. I just want to know how good they are at taking hares and should i expect them to take a few during the day.


{edit}sorry shepp i didn't see your reply until after i posted mine. I was responding to terrier man. I'm aware that they are still too young :) I just want to know what to expect from them in the future. I want to know their limitations.

Edited by pilgrim1982
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My dog had a course on a hare the other day, It was a nice open paddock and was an awsome course, She didnt get to turning the hare but she was full tilt after it up a slow hill. She got within about 10 mtrs of it when they dissapeared over a crest and she returned to Heel.


I tell you what, Those hares are incredibly fast and it is the best thing i have seen so far with my dog.

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Your whippets look pretty decent. A good whippet can catch a hare when fit. Take time to let your dogs mature and then give them proper exercise. You have two and dogs are bigger than bitches which are good advantages. Good luck!



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ok thanks for the replies. I was planning on running them as a pair. That is why i got a second whippet. So the other dog didn't have to carry the whole burden of doing the work.


dont run them doubled up unless you have to catch them for the farmers sake or for food,doubling up is just loosing respect for your quarry,they are not hare dogs,but like any other dog they will catch them from time to time


I eat everything i kill. I have never been the sort of person that just kills for the sake of killing or kills for fun. I will always have respect for my quarry, even rabbits i respect even though many people call them a pest and say they need to be erradicated. Every rabbit or hare etc that i take ends up on the dinner table. I think you learn to respect your quarry more when hunting with a sighthound rather than just shooting them and at least it gives the animal a chance to make good its escape.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi link, where in aus are you? have you got a pic of your whippet? i'm yet to put my dogs on a hare as they are too young i have been told and its best to go easy when they are young. I hope it wasn't too physically demanding on her. I'm going to wait until my dogs are at least 12 months before i let them have a go at a hare. They seem quite capable though and i'm keeping them nice and fit and taking them out alot.


happy hunting

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