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working dogs. show dogs.

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At the shows i think a working dog stands a fair chance against just show dogs. But i think the lure coursing has been took over with people breeding dogs just for this purpose. A uncle of mine was at a fair last year and over heard a lady saying that she took her 3/4 Grey 1/4 Whippet bitch to a top greyhound stud just so she could win a few races at fairs. Imo why not just take up Greyhound racing and let it just be a bit of fun for people in off season. :thumbs:

Edited by NOOK/ANNA
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never put a dog into a show myself although i agree should just be for a bit of fun maybe to get the wife and kids involved a bit as well but saying that when im loitering around the ring having a nose at what people have got f**k me the snide comments i hear usualy come in thick and fast,f*****g judge this poxy dog that,how the f**k did he pick the other, you all know the type of thing and all to regular for it to be just a bit of fun for some people,not to my liking at all.

reason iv never put a dog in a show,f**k me i know its a shit dog i dont need anyone else to confirm it for me :D

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Enjoy the shows in the summer for nice day out with family.

Bitch came in last 6 (u 23") in Midland Game Fair 4 years ago (which was totally unexpected) - she's 6 now - too grey, too scarred up for showing. Totally agree about the competitiveness of shows though - it spoils it - there is always someone with something bad to say. If I see someone with a good dog - I tell them and ask about breeding etc.

Enjoy getting them down to the greyhound track and lure coursing too for a blow off.

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i use to show my bitch uptill about a year ago and she did very well,but as others say it is just fun,the racing sides of things is a joke i run my bitch quite a few times to keep her fit and she also did well,the racing they do on the tracks for lurchers use to be ok but as someone else said they are brreding 3/4 grey to another grey and then a pup of that to another grey and getting away with running them as lurchers spoils it a little

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I lyk goin 2 the shows just for abit crack with the lads who I haven't seen for a while ill maybes put the dog in if I'm bord or something but I lyk to here some of the nights out that the lads have had and think to myself I wish I was there coz they have some good ones by the sound of them atb Top Lammper

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